Decatur County REMC
Decatur County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Greensburg, Indiana. As a cooperative, Decatur County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Pilot programs lead to energy savings
As technology continues to improve and change the landscape of energy demand, Hoosier Energy and its 18 not-for-profit electric distribution cooperative member-consumers throughout central and southern Indiana and southeastern Illinois, are changing with it. Maximizing the opportunities for technological advancement, Hoosier Energy works with its members to develop, implement and evaluate various pilot programs that… Continue reading.
Strategically aligned for 2022
What a way to start the year! Our team and board of directors just completed a comprehensive strategic planning process, and we are aligned and ready to roll in 2022. We know you depend on the excellent service provided by Decatur County REMC. We are excited to also bring you new, innovative approaches to… Continue reading.
2021 Operation Round Up Grant Recipients
Thanks to the generous members of Decatur County REMC who round up their monthly bills to the nearest dollar, the cooperative awarded 17 unique non-profit organizations nearly $30,000 in 2021. The dollars awarded help fund projects and programs that serve and support the members and communities throughout Decatur County REMC’s service territory. Below is… Continue reading.
Are portable space heaters efficient for my home?
Small space heaters are meant to do exactly as their name says: heat a small space. But unfortunately, many people use portable space heaters to heat their entire home, which can really take a toll on your energy bills. The truth is, whether you should use space heaters really depends on your home’s efficiency and… Continue reading.
Summary of board’s meeting in October
The meeting was opened by Chairman Steve AmRhein and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting. All board members were present. Also present: CEO Brett Abplanalp and employees Matt Raver and Crystal Greathouse. Upon motion made by Jeff Lawrence, seconded by Dale Wernke, and carried, the agenda was approved. ACRE/FORE Presentation Alexandra Jones with… Continue reading.
Increasing efficiency on the farm
The heating of poultry barns can be a huge expense for farmers, especially during the winter. Opportunities to find new and efficient ways to decrease energy use for barn heating could help lessen that burden. In that effort, the Beneficial Electrification League (BEL), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting beneficial electrification of the economy, along… Continue reading.
Co-op programs help you during the holiday season — and beyond
“The holidays.” I love everything about this time of year. Just the thought of the holiday season brings a smile to my face as I recall family gatherings and traditions that warm my heart and fills my senses. It’s a time of reflection. I’m grateful for my own family as well as my co-op family…. Continue reading.
Holiday closing
Decatur County REMC Office will be closed for the holidays Dec. 23 and 24. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Breakfast with Brett
Join us Dec. 10 at 7 a.m. for breakfast at Pop’s Diner in Greensburg!
Summary of board’s meeting in September
The meeting was opened by Chairman Steve AmRhein, and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting. All board members were present. Also present: CEO Brett Abplanalp and employees Matt Raver, Crystal Greathouse, Jennie Meyer, Pat Nobbe and Chris Gallaway. Guest speakers were Brian Christenberry with IEC and Chris Hawkins, auditor for Monroe Shine. Upon… Continue reading.
Unclaimed credits list
Please check the following unclaimed capital credit list to see if we owe you money. To claim a refund, fill out the claim form on page 26 and return it to our office. Additional documents may be required. Any unclaimed amounts will be turned over to the corporation after 60 days. If you have an… Continue reading.