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Decatur County REMC

Decatur County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Greensburg, Indiana. As a cooperative, Decatur County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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Special board meeting in November

Posted on Jan 05, 2021 in Decatur County REMC

The meeting was opened by Chairman Michael Brelage and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting. All members were present. Brelage, Suzanne Parmer, Steve AmRhein, Jeff Lawrence and Carl Riedeman attended in person, and Scheidler, Jason Barnhorst and Dale Wernke attended virtually. Also attending were CEO Brett Abplanalp and Crystal Greathouse in person, and… Continue reading.

What changes in policy really mean

Posted on Jan 05, 2021 in Decatur County REMC

The Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) board of directors has a responsibility to listen, guide, and make decisions in the best interest of the members and cooperative.  The board is the governing body responsible for establishing policies, providing oversight, and delegating authority to the CEO to execute plans, programs, and policies.  The board works diligently to… Continue reading.

Virtual member meeting

Posted on Jan 05, 2021 in Decatur County REMC

Join us to share your input and concerns!  Jan. 26 | 6-7:30 p.m. Help guide the future of the REMC as we plan for the future. Be a key component of the strategic planning process. Meeting Information Meeting link: Meeting number: 180 160 8389 Password: NKeKXyAP452 More ways to join Join by phone +1-415-655-0002… Continue reading.

From the front lines

Posted on Jan 05, 2021 in A Co-op Perspective, Bartholomew County REMC, Clark County REMC, Decatur County REMC, Harrison REMC, Orange County REMC, Southeastern Indiana REMC, Southern Indiana Power

In his 27 years at Hoosier Energy, Line Foreman Mark Richardson has trekked countless hours across the hills and hollers of southern Indiana and Illinois to find downed power lines. Each winter storm comes with its own challenges complicated by cold temperatures and snowfall. Richardson recalls a rough snowstorm several years ago, when he and… Continue reading.

Brett Abplanalp

Looking back and looking ahead

Posted on Nov 29, 2020 in Decatur County REMC

Merry Christmas! The holiday season puts me in a jolly mood for sure.  I’m ready to eat great food, enjoy special time with my family, and cherish the memories we make.    This year has certainly been interesting and uniquely challenging, but together we are figuring out how to best serve and meet your needs… Continue reading.

Summary of board’s meeting in September

Posted on Nov 29, 2020 in Decatur County REMC

The meeting was opened by Chairman Michael Brelage and Brian Scheidler kept the minutes of the meeting. All board members were present, also present was CEO Brett Abplanalp, and employees Eric Busch, Rachel Sullivan, and Crystal Greathouse. Upon motion made by Dale Wernke, seconded by Suzanne Parmer, and carried, the agenda was approved with Jeff… Continue reading.

Unclaimed Credits list

Posted on Nov 29, 2020 in Decatur County REMC

Please check the following unclaimed capital credit list to see if we owe you money. To claim a refund, fill out a claim form and return it to our office. Additional documents may be required. Any unclaimed amounts will be turned over to the corporation after 60 days. If you have an uncashed capital credit… Continue reading.

Grid improvements increase efficiency

Posted on Nov 25, 2020 in A Co-op Perspective, Bartholomew County REMC, Clark County REMC, Decatur County REMC, Harrison REMC, Orange County REMC, Southeastern Indiana REMC, Southern Indiana Power

On the outskirts of Vevay, Indiana, part of the Hoosier Energy grid had substantial improvements made.  Hoosier Energy Substation Foreman Trevor Asche, who supervised the project, said the largest upgrade was to improve connections to a communication tower. The tower enables communication between Hoosier Energy system control and substation equipment. At this location, the substation… Continue reading.

Brett Abplanalp

Giving back and giving thanks

Posted on Oct 30, 2020 in Decatur County REMC

One of our core principles as a cooperative is concern for community. Decatur County REMC takes this mission and responsibility to heart. It’s who we are as a co-op and I am thankful for that. Over the past few months, like so many of you, we’ve risen to meet new challenges and strengthen the safety… Continue reading.

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