Decatur County REMC
Decatur County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Greensburg, Indiana. As a cooperative, Decatur County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Employee Spotlight: Sam Ruf
Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) is proud to welcome Sam Ruf to our team. Ruf is the new technology administrator at DCREMC. He assists the team with all technology needs and maximizes current systems while providing solutions for future technology needs. Ruf is a graduate of Ball State University and previously served as the IT director… Continue reading.
Summary of board’s meeting in November
Chairman Steve AmRhein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and Michael Brelage kept minutes of the meeting. All members of the board were present. Also present were DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC staff members Jennie Meyer, Chris Gallaway and Crystal Greathouse. Upon motion by Dale Wernke, seconded by Michael Brelage, and carried,… Continue reading.
Be safe, share the road this winter
At Hoosier Energy, being “Safe by Choice” is an employee mindset. Being safe on the job or on the road is important. That is why we ask you to be sure to follow these tips when around snow plows, emergency vehicles or electric utility vehicles if the weather takes a turn for the worse this… Continue reading.
It’s all about YOU
We live in a device-driven world. Our smartphones, tablets, laptops and an assortment of other devices help us communicate and connect. Companies spend billions pushing out a steady drumbeat of messages and information, and we are constantly bombarded with one-way communication. But is anyone listening on the other end? At Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) we… Continue reading.
Petitions now available for 2020 board of directors election
The Decatur County REMC nominating committee is seeking qualified members to run for directorship in Districts 3, 4, and 7. Board governance is an integral component of a successful cooperative. Interested members may request a petition at the REMC office or speak with your nominating committee member for more information. Current nominating committee representatives are: … Continue reading.
Apply for youth programs
Touchstone Energy Camp (June 3-6, 2020) A fun, powerful and unique camp experience designed for students entering seventh grade in 2020. Horseback riding, canoeing, zip lining, trying out archery, swimming, learning about electrical safety and bucket truck rides. Indiana Youth Tour (June 18-25, 2020) Decatur County REMC wants to send you on a weeklong, all-inclusive… Continue reading.
Summary of board’s meeting in October
Chairman Steve AmRhein called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and Michael Brelage kept minutes of the meeting. All members of the board were present. Also present were DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC staff members Jennie Meyer and Rachel Sullivan. Upon motion by Jason Barnhorst, seconded by Dale Wernke, and carried, the agenda… Continue reading.
Lines that gallop
When ice storms coat power lines, high winds can lead to lines that bounce and buck around. While rare, this movement is known as galloping lines. Power lines are designed to sway, but if a wire is weighted down with ice and is pushed around from wind, it could move close to a grounded component… Continue reading.
May your holiday season be merry & bright
By Brett Abplanalp The holidays are a time of year that many of us eagerly anticipate. The season is marked by special foods, seasonal decorations and lots of festivities. Here in Greensburg, we look forward to the annual Christmas parade around the square. We cherish carrying on old family traditions and enjoy creating new ones…. Continue reading.