Decatur County REMC
Decatur County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Greensburg, Indiana. As a cooperative, Decatur County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
The lawncare crew that loves its job
You might have driven past one of the 10 cooperative solar arrays throughout central and southern Indiana. Each site provides renewable energy to co-ops like yours and is the size of nine football fields. This creates a challenge in the summer months — lawncare. Hoosier Energy has hired a crew to help keep the grass… Continue reading.
Back to school
It’s a new school year and kids of all ages are getting ready for a fresh year of learning! From kindergarten through college, students attend school to gain knowledge about a broad variety of subjects and learn new skills that will prepare them for the future. In a similar vein, Decatur County REMC (DCREMC) is… Continue reading.
Did you know?
Thank you for participating in DCREMC’s recent member survey. We received great feedback and questions. Each month, we will feature a question and share the answer to build a better understanding of the cooperative. Q. Could you tell us more about tree trimming and keeping the lines clear of trees and brush? A. DCREMC… Continue reading.
Commitment to youth
Indiana Youth Tour to D.C. Corrigon Davis, Brogan Howard, Ashley Morford, and Jane Spreckelson represented Decatur County REMC on the 2019 Indiana Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., this June. The Indiana delegation of over 100 students representing 34 Indiana electric cooperatives joined more than 1,800 other students from 46 other states on the Youth Tour…. Continue reading.
Summary of board’s meeting in May
• Chairman Tom Crowe called the May 23, 2019, meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and Jason Barnhorst kept minutes of the meeting. • All members of the board were present. Also present were DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC Bookkeeper Jennie Meyer. • Upon motion by Lawrence Young, seconded by Dale Wernke, and carried,… Continue reading.
2019 annual meeting recap
Decatur County REMC held its annual meeting of the membership on June 14 at the Decatur County Fairgrounds. It was so fun to see so many of you. We had a great time visiting, eating Chick-fil-A and ice cream, being entertained by some wonderful piano music, and learning more about our cooperative. In case… Continue reading.
How Hoosier Energy works to keep vegetation away from power lines
Safe and reliable transmission of electricity is at the core of the Hoosier Energy vegetation management program. Trees or other woody-stemmed vegetation growing too close to power lines can cause extensive power outages and damage as well as pose serious fire and safety hazards to the public if the trees come in contact with energized… Continue reading.
Annual meeting election results
Board of Directors District 1 — Suzanne Parmer District 2 — Carl Riedeman Nominating Committee District 1 — Dennis Dickman District 3 — Marilyn Davis Thank you to the previous directors and nominating committee members who served our members. We appreciate your leadership and dedication to DCREMC. Congratulations to those newly elected.