Decatur County REMC
Decatur County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Greensburg, Indiana. As a cooperative, Decatur County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Winter driving safety
A Hoosier Energy employee who drives throughout central and southern Indiana shares some precautions he takes to stay safe and to keep your energy flowing. Meter Relay Technician Don Small has worked at Hoosier Energy for nearly 39 years. He has accumulated approximately 1.5 million miles driving to different substations and member cooperatives, averaging 40,000-60,000… Continue reading.
Summary of board’s meeting in October
Chairman Tom Crowe called the October 25, 2018, meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and Jason Barnhorst kept minutes of the meeting. All members of the board were present. Also present were DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC staff members Jeanne Loechle, Karen Forshee, and Rachel Sullivan. Upon motion by Michael Brelage, seconded by Dale… Continue reading.
Holiday greetings & updates from your co-op
Holiday greetings, my friends! As we approach the end of the year, I’d like to share some co-op updates with you. As I announced last month, our cost of service study is complete. Based on the findings, Decatur County REMC is implementing an overall rate increase of 1.28 percent, effective April 1, 2019. As a… Continue reading.
Become involved in your cooperative
The Decatur County REMC nominating committee is seeking qualified members to run for directorship in Districts 1 and 2. Interested members may request a petition at the REMC office or speak with your nominating committee member for more information. Current nominating committee representatives are: District 1 — Frank Narwold District 2 — Randy Ostendorf District… Continue reading.
Pole program eliminated
Effective Jan. 1, Decatur County REMC will no longer sell used poles to members due to safety concerns for members and employees. If you have further questions, please call our office at 812-663-3391. Thank you for your cooperation.
Rate change explained
Last month, Decatur County REMC announced that, upon completion of a cost of service study, an overall rate increase will be implemented in April. Below are details that explain more about the upcoming rate change. How much is the rate increase? when does it go into effect? DCREMC is implementing an overall increase of 1.28… Continue reading.
Capital credit update
For 80 years Decatur County REMC has been providing members with safe, reliable electric service. As a benefit of membership, you earn money back based on the amount of electricity you purchase from us annually. We call this money capital credits. Capital credits are allocated to account holders for a specific year. Disbursement of earned… Continue reading.
Employee Spotlight: Jerrod Devers
Jerrod Devers is the resident IT guru at Decatur County REMC. He’s the guy that keeps the place running! Devers joined Decatur County REMC in 2016 and serves as network administrator, managing all technology infrastructure at DCREMC. Devers is a graduate of Greensburg Community High School. He continued his education at Purdue University where he… Continue reading.
Summary of board’s meeting in September
Chairman Tom Crowe called the Thursday, Sept. 27, 2018, meeting to order at 6:30 p.m., and Jason Barnhorst kept minutes of the meeting. All members of the board were present. Also present was DCREMC CEO Brett Abplanalp and DCREMC Accounting Manager Karen Forshee. Upon motion by Lawrence Young, seconded by Steve AmRhein, and carried, the… Continue reading.
Unclaimed Credits list
Please check the following unclaimed capital credit list or visit our website at dcremc.com to see if we owe you money. To claim a refund, fill out the claim form on page 30 and return it to our office. Additional documents may be required. Any unclaimed amounts will be turned over to the corporation after… Continue reading.
Holiday closing
All of us at Decatur County REMC wish you a Merry Christmas from our family to yours. In honor of the holiday, our office will be closed Dec. 24 and Dec. 25.