Kankakee Valley REMC
Kankakee Valley REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Wanatah, Indiana. As a cooperative, Kankakee Valley REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Right-of-Way Maintenance
Maintaining the rights-of-way along which Kankakee Valley REMC’s power lines pass is critical during the spring and summer months to keep power safe and reliable. The Kankakee Valley REMC right-of-way spraying will begin in late June and run to late-July. Contract crews will be working in the following areas (shown on the map). Lake… Continue reading.
Cooperation Among Cooperatives
Cooperatives can serve their member-consumers most effectively when they can work together. Cooperation among cooperatives is one of the seven cooperative principles that make us different from other electric utilities. Recently Kankakee Valley REMC and Marshall County REMC used the power of partnership to install an osprey nest in rural St. Joseph County. Working together,… Continue reading.
Fiber Brings New Opportunities to Membership, Co-op
Capturing reliable data through fiber optics is the critical first step to a new era of opportunities for our membership, and we at Kankakee Valley REMC couldn’t be more excited about our fiber optic ring project which began at the start of the year and what it will mean for you. The project provides a… Continue reading.
Cool Technology
Over the last few years, Wi-Fi-enabled thermostats have become a popular upgrade for people updating equipment in their homes. Thermostats such as the Nest and Honeywell Wi-Fi thermostats (among others) connect to a home’s wireless Internet network and can be programmed remotely from a wireless device, such as a smart phone or tablet. You may… Continue reading.
Survey shows most prefer in-person annual meeting
As a member-owner of this cooperative you have a voice. There are many ways you can make your voice heard. One way is to vote in the board of directors election. Another is to provide feedback to us. Recently, we asked you to weigh in on the upcoming annual meeting through a short online survey…. Continue reading.
Thank a lineworker
If you were asked to associate an image or person with Kankakee Valley REMC, you would probably picture a lineworker. Some of the most visible employees of the co-op are the lineworkers who tirelessly ensure that our community is safe and that the power is flowing. Being a lineworker is not necessarily a glamorous or… Continue reading.
Shift your power and save
This summer, you can upgrade to a Wi-Fi thermostat and save energy to beat the heat with the newest addition to our PowerShift® program. In mid-May, Kankakee Valley REMC will launch a new Wi-Fi thermostat option as part of PowerShift, a program that offers rebates for residential members to shift their energy use to times… Continue reading.
Founding member of Operation Round Up board retires
For more than two decades, the Operation Round Up Trust has been giving financial hope to area non-profit organizations. Helping their community and its residents in need have always been the prime motivators for the co-op member-consumers who lead this unique organization. Board President and Director Dolores Surfus, a 20-year veteran and founding member of… Continue reading.