Kankakee Valley REMC
Kankakee Valley REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Wanatah, Indiana. As a cooperative, Kankakee Valley REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Survey to begin
From September 2019 through January 2020 Kankakee Valley REMC will be conducting a survey of residential co-op member-consumers. This telephone survey is conducted every three years, and helps our power supplier, Wabash Valley Power Alliance, determine how much power will be needed in the near future. The survey will be conducted by Oppenheim Research, a… Continue reading.
This back-to-school season, Kankakee Valley REMC held its annual Pack-a-Backpack school supplies drive to benefit area students in need of school materials. This year, KV REMC was able to collect enough materials to pack over 150 backpacks. “The Pack-a-Backpack program helps many students at South Central. We have several students who start the year without… Continue reading.
Seal before upgrading insulation
Did you know that sometimes adding insulation in gaps and cracks will not always stop air leaks? Some types of insulation, such as fiberglass and loose-fill cellulose can still allow unwanted air to flow through it. Air sealing certain areas of the house will help stop the flow of air and should be done before… Continue reading.
Bill paying made easy
Paying your electric bill should be easy and convenient. For this reason, Kankakee Valley REMC offers many convenient payment options. The best part is, there are no fees for these convenient methods. Credit Card & Bank Draft Through this method, your credit or debit card is drafted each month on the due date. When using… Continue reading.
Changes made on board
Following the retirement of Kankakee Valley REMC District 5 Director Kenny Redlin, the KV REMC board made an appointment to fill the remainder of the unexpired term. Redlin retired Aug. 1 after serving on the board for 31 years. To fill the vacancy of the District 5 board seat, the KV REMC board voted to… Continue reading.
Don’t fall behind!
As school buses resume roaming roads and the sun starts setting sooner, it won’t be long before autumn arrives. Yet before pumpkin pie aroma fills the air and Halloween costumes decorate storefronts, you can still take advantage of the late summer to prepare your home for the fall and winter. Some suggested considerations include: Tackling… Continue reading.
Safety matters
By Scott Sears “Safety” is a universal word that is mentioned often and used loosely. Communities large and small, as well as companies across all industries, are committed to safety. Your cooperative is no exception. Kankakee Valley REMC has created a culture of safety by putting our employees’ and our community’s safety above all else. … Continue reading.
Right-of-way spraying to begin Aug. 12
As detailed in last month’s Indiana Connection, Kankakee Valley REMC’s contractor will begin spraying this month along our rights-of-way. The work is being done by The Daltons, Inc. If you would prefer to maintain the right-of-way adjacent to your land yourself, here are three things we ask you to do: • Post a sign on… Continue reading.
Operation Round Up grants awarded
Kankakee Valley REMC is excited to announce the most recent Operation Round Up grant recipients. This quarter’s giving accounted for over $12,000 going back into our communities. Pulaski County Scrappy Sewers: The volunteer seamstresses at Pulaski County Scrappy Sewers received $1,000 from KV REMC Operation Round Up to purchase fabric for pillowcases. The Scrappy… Continue reading.
Redlin embarks on next adventure
A cooperative’s success is due in part to those who make tough decisions for the good of the organization. At Kankakee Valley REMC, those decision-makers are the seven board members who represent the co-op’s 18,000 member-consumers. Since these decision-makers are members, owners and customers just like you, what they decide impacts them as well. For… Continue reading.