Kankakee Valley REMC
Kankakee Valley REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Wanatah, Indiana. As a cooperative, Kankakee Valley REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Operation Round Up scholarships awarded to area students
Six local high school seniors received Kankakee Valley REMC Operation Round Up scholarships totaling $8,000 at KV REMC’s annual meeting last month. This year’s $2,000 scholarship recipients were (pictured above): Truman Maxwell, Boone Grove High School; Samantha Williams, Indiana Academy for Science, Mathematics & Humanities. The $1,000 scholarship recipients were: Rylee Briel, Valparaiso High School;… Continue reading.
Youth selected for summer programs
Kankakee Valley REMC is excited to announce its participants in this year’s Touchstone Energy Camp and Indiana Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. Students were selected from applications they submitted to the cooperative for each program. In addition to the applications, students were required to complete an essay. These all-expense-paid opportunities are sponsored by Kankakee Valley… Continue reading.
Trading Post
As a service to our members, Kankakee Valley REMC publishes “Trading Post” on its locally-circulated pages of Electric Consumer. Readers may submit two ads per REMC membership, per month. Please see below for more details! FOR SALE: Red 2010 GMC Sierra 4×4, ½ ton 1500 regular cab, long bed pickup. Features, air, cruise, tilt, AM/FM,… Continue reading.
Get green to go green
Did you know you may be eligible to receive a federal tax credit and a $1,500 POWER MOVES® rebate to install a geothermal heating and cooling system? In February, the U.S. Congress passed a budget deal reinstating a federal income tax credit for geothermal heating and cooling systems, also referred to as geothermal heat pumps…. Continue reading.
KVREMC’s Annual Meeting
Your ticket to the meeting is on the back of this month’s magazine! Don’t throw it away! Each year the cooperative hosts a meeting of the membership as a special time for co-op members to gather, share experiences, hear from co-op leaders and elect board members. This is the annual meeting, and it takes place on… Continue reading.
The less taxing audit
This tax season, embrace the audit that will help you save money! An energy audit will include a thorough review and testing of electricity use in your home — along with recommendations on steps you can take to save! An energy audit will help you in several ways. It will: Inform you about your home’s… Continue reading.
Three directors to be elected
Don’t forget: your annual meeting registration card is on the back cover of this month’s issue At this year’s annual meeting on April 10, the membership of Kankakee Valley REMC will elect three members to serve on the REMC board. The candidates for the board are profiled at right. They have completed the necessary requirements… Continue reading.
Your piece of the sun
KA dawning sun now energizes more of Northwest Indiana – and the Midwest. Kankakee Valley REMC is collaborating with additional Wabash Valley Power member cooperatives to offer Co-op Solar, a new community solar program. Retail members of Kankakee Valley REMC can purchase “shares” of solar energy for 20 cents per share each month for up… Continue reading.
Trading Post
As a service to our members, Kankakee Valley REMC publishes “Trading Post” on its locally-circulated pages of Electric Consumer. Readers may submit two ads per REMC membership, per month. Please see below for more details! FOR SALE: 2010 GMC Sierra 4×4 ½-ton 1500 regular cab, long bed pickup. Red in color with 120,000 miles, air,… Continue reading.
Update on consolidation
During the month of March, Kankakee Valley REMC and Jasper County REMC directors were presented with the financial analysis and power cost study for a combined entity. Board of directors from their respective cooperatives are doing their due diligence in reviewing the materials provided to them to identify the savings and any challenges of these… Continue reading.
The power behind your power
Spring time brings showers that help produce spring flowers, but it can also bring the potential for stormy weather. While Kankakee Valley REMC strives to provide reliable electricity to our members, Mother Nature sometimes has other plans resulting in power outages. Many of us watch storms roll in from the comfort of our home, but… Continue reading.