Kankakee Valley REMC Archives - Page 56 of 63 - Indiana Connection

Kankakee Valley REMC

Kankakee Valley REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Wanatah, Indiana. As a cooperative, Kankakee Valley REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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REMC to sponsor Harvest Contest

Posted on Aug 24, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

If you think you had the prize-winning harvest this year, bring it to the Harvest Contest. Kankakee Valley REMC is pleased to sponsor the contest in conjunction with the Wanatah Scarecrow Festival. This contest is open to anyone who has a green thumb and thinks they might have the best or largest in one of… Continue reading.

Trading Post

Posted on Aug 24, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

As a service to our members, Kankakee Valley REMC publishes “Trading Post” on its locally-circulated pages of Electric Consumer. Readers may submit two ads per REMC membership, per month. Please see below for more details! Trading Post ads appear in the order received and are printed as space allows. Advertisements for businesses will only be… Continue reading.

Safety night program given to first responders

Posted on Aug 24, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

Safety is Kankakee Valley REMC’s number one priority. Just as we provide our employees with electrical safety training, we also do our part in making sure the community is safe. We invited area firefighters, police and emergency management services personnel to the cooperative to take part in the first Emergency Personnel Appreciation Night on Aug…. Continue reading.

Your online resource for energy savings

Posted on Jul 26, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

If you’re looking for ways to save energy and money, check out the energy resource center available on the Kankakee Valley REMC website. These fun interactive tools help you zero in on where you can save the most — and the quickest! Go to www.kvremc.com, then click on Energy Solutions and look for Energy Calculators… Continue reading.

‘How I energized my summer vacation …’

Posted on Jul 26, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

One of the most valuable resources in our communities is our area youth. Through powerful programs, designed specifically to target and educate them on cooperatives, Kankakee Valley REMC is able to provide life experiences that complement the lessons they learned in school. Each summer Kankakee Valley REMC sends a group of incoming seventh graders and… Continue reading.

Operation Round Up grants $10,300

Posted on Jul 26, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

Kankakee Valley REMC Operation Round Up is pleased to announce this quarter’s grant recipients. These five non-profits around the KV REMC service area received assistance for programs that benefit the residents of their communities — and yours. Housing Opportunities, Inc., Valparaiso — $1,500 for substance abuse counseling for individuals who otherwise would not be able… Continue reading.

Trading Post

Posted on Jul 26, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

As a service to our members, Kankakee Valley REMC publishes “Trading Post” on its locally-circulated pages of Electric Consumer. Readers may submit two ads per REMC membership, per month. Please see below for more details! Trading Post ads appear in the order received and are printed as space allows. Advertisements for businesses will only be… Continue reading.

‘Concern for community’

Posted on Jul 26, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

Kankakee Valley REMC is part of a large group of cooperatives across the globe that adheres to the same Seven Cooperative Principles that guide all of our decisions, from how we run the cooperative to how we engage with our local communities. One principle that we talk about often is our concern for the community…. Continue reading.

Save the dates!

Posted on Jul 20, 2017 in A Co-op Perspective, Kankakee Valley REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Steuben County REMC, Wabash Valley Power

New energy sources will soon greet Midwesterners turning on their morning lights. This fall, Wabash Valley Power Association (WVPA) will celebrate several ribbon cuttings for solar arrays constructed this year. The dedications will take place Sept. 14 in Peru, Indiana, at Miami-Cass REMC; Sept. 20 with Citizens Electric Corp. in Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, and Sept…. Continue reading.

Figuring your bill

Posted on Jun 22, 2017 in Kankakee Valley REMC

If you would like to figure your electric bill (to compare to the one Kankakee Valley REMC sends you), here’s how: Track the kilowatt-hours you used on your meter for the month (or use the amount shown on your bill — they should be about the same). Multiply your kWh by the energy charges rate… Continue reading.

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