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Miami-Cass REMC

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Miami-Cass REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Peru, Indiana. As a cooperative, Miami-Cass REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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A Wi-Fi thermostat can connect you to savings

Posted on Apr 25, 2023 in A Co-op Perspective, Boone REMC, Heartland REMC, Jay County REMC, Kankakee Valley REMC, LaGrange County REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Noble REMC, Steuben County REMC

Your high-speed internet connection can hook you up with savings — on your heating and cooling costs. As more people gain access to broadband internet connections, they may consider upgrading to a Wi-Fi thermostat. Fortunately, your local electric cooperative offers a $45 rebate for qualifying Wi-Fi thermostat upgrades. And beyond the rebate, a Wi-Fi thermostat… Continue reading.

Lineworker Appreciation Month: Honoring the power behind your power

Posted on Apr 06, 2023 in A Co-op Perspective, Boone REMC, Heartland REMC, Jay County REMC, Kankakee Valley REMC, LaGrange County REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Noble REMC, Steuben County REMC

Nearly everyone has experienced the dreaded crash of thunder before the lights go out — and the relief once the lights come back on. In the darkness, what could be missed is the dedication, effort and energy from the lineworkers who are busily braving the elements to return power to your day. You have likely… Continue reading.

Rob Schwartz

Sustaining a reliable electric system

Posted on Apr 04, 2023 in Miami-Cass REMC

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.” This adage is often used when someone is about to do something risky. If a person heeds this advice, it means they did not commit to “one basket,” and hedged their bets with more than one option.  This strategy is one… Continue reading.

Talking internet in our communities

Posted on Apr 04, 2023 in Miami-Cass REMC

Representatives from Broadway Broadband Powered by Miami-Cass REMC were recently in the community of Chili to talk about high-speed internet and the Indiana Connectivity Program. Thank you to those who attended as we work toward bringing high-speed internet to underserved communities.

Electric Vehicle

The FAQ on EVs

Posted on Mar 08, 2023 in Miami-Cass REMC

You’ve probably heard that many automakers are transitioning several or all of their new vehicles to electric-only models over the next 10 years. Regardless of the type of car you drive today, the electrification of the transportation sector is underway. We regularly receive inquiries about electric vehicles from Miami-Cass REMC members, so I thought it… Continue reading.

Employee spotlight: Myles McDonald

Posted on Mar 08, 2023 in Miami-Cass REMC

When he started on Jan. 9, Myles McDonald became the latest addition to the Broadway Broadband powered by Miami-Cass REMC team. He reports to Parker Long, construction supervisor, and is currently performing aerial construction. Prior to coming to Broadway Broadband, he worked for Comcast as a cable technician.   McDonald is a native of Logansport… Continue reading.

Steps to replacing a utility pole

Posted on Mar 08, 2023 in LaGrange County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC

Utility poles remain the backbone of most electric distribution systems. After more than 80 years since electric cooperatives first set them throughout rural Indiana, they remain the most cost-effective way to safely support power lines, insulators, transformers and other electric hardware. Occasionally, either through a vehicle strike, lightning strike, ice storm, tornado, or simply age,… Continue reading.

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