Miami-Cass REMC
Miami-Cass REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Peru, Indiana. As a cooperative, Miami-Cass REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Attend Your Co-op’s Annual Meeting
As people plan in-person events following the pandemic-induced isolation the past two years, some are circling calendar dates for a familiar favorite — from their electric cooperative. Many electric co-ops are planning their annual meetings following canceled, scaled down, or virtual events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some co-ops have returned to hosting in-person member events,… Continue reading.
Prioritize safety year-round
At Miami-Cass REMC, we recognize Electrical Safety Month every May, but we also know the importance of practicing safety year-round. From our co-op crews to you, the members we serve, we recognize that everyone has a part to play in prioritizing safety. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International, thousands of people in the U.S…. Continue reading.
Employee spotlight: Layne DeLauter
The most recent addition to the Broadway Broadband Powered by Miami-Cass REMC’s team is Layne DeLauter. She started with the company in March as an accounting specialist and is responsible for entering accounts payable, miscellaneous receivables, bank reconciliations, helping with inventory and filing. DeLauter grew up in Miami County and is a 2011 North Miami… Continue reading.
Keeping your cool
Summertime is on its way. Many of us are already planning ahead for those hot, humid days when our air conditioners become our best friends. We all know the basic rules of supply and demand — when demand goes up, the price typically goes up. The same goes for electricity: when businesses are operating and… Continue reading.
The power behind our power
You’ve likely noticed Miami-Cass REMC’s crews out and about, working on power lines and other electrical equipment in our community. It’s no secret that a lineworker’s job is tough — but it’s a job that’s essential and must be done, often in challenging conditions. This month, as we celebrate National Lineworker Appreciation Day on April… Continue reading.
Broadway Broadband brings high-speed internet to rural business
Don’s Amusements in Peru has been in business since 1972 and at its current rural location since 1983. The company purchases, repairs and restores a large variety of coin-operated arcade equipment and games of every kind — pinball, skee ball, valley pool tables, air hockey, and dartboards. The business was started by Don Wright and… Continue reading.
Board meets in February
Counted seven board members attending. Attorney Jeremy Fetty attended via teleconference. Jim Savage presented the WVPA report. Todd Smith presented the IEC report. Fetty presented the legal report. Rob Schwartz presented the monthly CEO report. Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved. Financial report was given by Schwartz. December monthly operating, member services and… Continue reading.
Save the date for Miami-Cass REMC’s Annual Meeting
June 16 | 6-8 p.m.Peru Circus building Look for more information in the May and June issue of Indiana Connection.