Miami-Cass REMC
Miami-Cass REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Peru, Indiana. As a cooperative, Miami-Cass REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Board meets in December
Counted seven board members present. Miami-Cass REMC attorney Liane Steffes also attended via teleconference. Election of officers was held. WVPA board report was given by Jim Savage. Monthly legal report was given by Steffes. Schwartz presented the monthly CEO report. Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved. November monthly operating, member services and safety… Continue reading.
Mark your calendar!
Plan to attend the Miami-Cass REMC Annual Meeting on Saturday, Aug. 17, at the Miami County Fairgrounds. Look for more information in future issues of the magazine!
Experience Youth Tour
Avery Heishman and Madison Vance, both seniors at North Miami High School, joined Kayla Kraning (also a senior at North Miami) and over 100 other students from across the United States on an exciting trip to the nation’s capital last summer. Both are very glad they went and would love to go back. They also… Continue reading.
Apply for youth programs
touchstone energy camp: June 5 – 8 A fun, powerful and unique camp experience designed for students entering seventh grade in 2019. Horseback riding, canoeing, zip lining, trying out archery, swimming, learning about electrical safety and bucket truck rides. Indiana Youth Tour Miami-Cass REMC wants to send you on a weeklong, all-inclusive trip of a… Continue reading.
See you at your annual meeting
Most of us lead busy lives. We find ourselves constantly checking phones and email to keep up with the demands of modern life. Thanks to technology, we can accomplish many tasks electronically and remotely to be more efficient. And with so many pressing obligations, we like to protect our “spare” time. Invitations to attend in-person… Continue reading.
Disconnect procedure to change
The safety of our members and employees is the number one priority for Miami-Cass REMC. In order to protect our employees, we will not accept cash or checks at your location if you have been disconnected. We are upgrading our meters for future improvements, and one of the benefits is the ability to turn off… Continue reading.
Tree trimming and ash trees
Miami-Cass invests over $125,000 each year on tree trimming and removal. This investment pays tremendous dividends during severe weather by reducing the number of outages that our consumer-members experience. Tree maintenance is one of the many ways your co-op makes our service to you more reliable. Many of our members have reported dead ash trees… Continue reading.
Board meets in November
Counted five board members present. Miami-Cass REMC attorney Jeremy Fetty attended via teleconference. WVPA board report was given by Rob Schwartz. Monthly legal report was given by Fetty. Schwartz presented the monthly CEO report. Minutes from the previous board meeting were approved with corrections. September monthly operating, member services and safety reports were reviewed and… Continue reading.
Lewis retires after 40 years of service to the Co-op
After 40 years of faithfully serving Miami-Cass REMC and its members, Chuck Lewis will retire next month. Lewis started his career with the REMC in February 1979 as a work order clerk. He was later promoted to office manager over billing and finance. In 2014, he became the director of information technology and special projects…. Continue reading.
Mavrick joins the REMC team
Matt Mavrick joined the Miami-Cass REMC team on Nov. 26 as director of information technology and special projects. He will be taking over the role from Chuck Lewis who is retiring in February. Mavrick is a North Miami High School graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in software development and security. He is currently… Continue reading.
Apply for Youth Programs
Page Day: Jan. 23 Spend a day in the Indiana Senate with students from REMCs around the state. Highlights include a Statehouse tour, mock bill activity, speakers and other educational activities. REQUIREMENTS: You must be available on Jan. 23 and have reliable transportation to and from the Indiana Statehouse that day. The program is open… Continue reading.
Your energy efficiency updates could bring more than savings
The energy efficiency updates you’re planning for your home in 2019 will help save you money, but you could also qualify for a rebate, depending on the projects you have planned. To see more, including rebates for your business, visit www.PowerMoves.com. Purchase receipts are required for all rebate applications. AHRI Certificates required for all geothermal,… Continue reading.