Orange County REMC Archives - Page 29 of 56 - Indiana Connection

Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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Giving back to our community

Posted on Nov 02, 2020 in Orange County REMC

Over the years, you’ve probably heard or read about Orange County REMC’s concern for our community. This is one of the core principles that sets cooperatives apart from other types of utilities and businesses. We’ve always taken this mission and responsibility to heart. It’s who we are as a co-op. Over the past few months,… Continue reading.

Industry updates

Posted on Nov 02, 2020 in Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC is working in several areas across our service territory, performing system upgrades and maintenance. All REMC crews and contracted personnel carry identification, and their vehicles are marked with our logo. Please keep our crews save and drive with caution as all this work means extra utility vehicles along roadways. Meter change-out We… Continue reading.

Deadlines approaching

Posted on Nov 02, 2020 in Orange County REMC

REMC REBATE PROGRAM Your co-op offers incentives and rebates for members who install energy efficient equipment in their homes or businesses. But you need to act fast, the deadline to apply for a Orange County REMC rebate for energy efficient HVAC and water heating equipment is Dec. 15. Get more info and an application at… Continue reading.

Hoosier Energy provides member training

Posted on Oct 27, 2020 in A Co-op Perspective, Bartholomew County REMC, Decatur County REMC, Harrison REMC, Orange County REMC, Southeastern Indiana REMC, Southern Indiana Power

Even facing restrictions in the pandemic, hands-on learning continues to take place year-round for participants in the Hoosier Energy Apprentice Training and Safety program. With altered schedules, masks and social distances, lineworkers are honing their troubleshooting skills so they can identify situations encountered in the field. “Interacting with underground components is becoming more and more… Continue reading.

Power On: October is Co-op Month

Posted on Oct 04, 2020 in Orange County REMC

As an electric cooperative, our top priority is always to provide reliable, affordable energy to you, the consumer-members we serve. Because we are a co-op, our mission is to enrich the lives of our members and serve the long-term interests of our local community –– and this mission has never been more critical than in… Continue reading.

Want some money back?

Posted on Oct 04, 2020 in Orange County REMC

CAPITAL CREDITS: Orange County REMC is a not-for-profit, member-owned electric cooperative. That makes us VERY different than most utilities. If we have money left over after paying expenses, we keep track of how much of it is your share. We invest that money in the cooperative, and after a period of time, we pay that… Continue reading.

Updates for online lighting store

Posted on Oct 04, 2020 in Orange County REMC

At the end of the year, Orange County REMC will be updating its Team Up Online Lighting Store incentive program to meet the changing member needs and industry trends.  As part of an effort to introduce new incentives in the future, a decision has been made to discontinue the currentmember rebate on the online Team… Continue reading.

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