Orange County REMC
Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
Member survey planned this fall
If you receive electric service from the REMC, you’re not just a consumer of our product, you’re also a member of this electric co-op. And the better Orange County REMC understands you, the better we can serve you. That’s why we occasionally survey our members to identify emerging trends in power use. Research about the… Continue reading.
REMC mourns loss of long-time director
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Eugene Roberts. Our beloved friend and director passed away July 17, 2020. Eugene had been a director at Orange County REMC since 1986 and, for the last 26 years, was a board member of Hoosier Energy, your co-op’s power supplier. His dedication and knowledge… Continue reading.
Industry updates
Meter Change-out We are halfway through our five-year plan to upgrade member meters to new digital meters. These new meters require less maintenance and report outages more accurately. Crews are currently working in the Saltillo and Campellsburg areas. Please note that when your meter is changed out, it does cause a brief disruption in service. … Continue reading.
We have an app for that!
Our free Smarthub app makes it simple and convenient to do the following: View your bill Make secure payments Access your electric account Check your electric use Compare monthly electric bill Communicate directly with the co-op Notify us of an outage Add notifications that you would like to… Continue reading.
Helping Hoosiers live better
2-1-1 is a free and confidential service that helps Hoosiers across Indiana find the local resources they need. Whether you need information about housing, shelters, addiction recovery resources, help with food, water, medical expenses, or utility bill assistance, just call 211, or go online to www.in211.communityos.org.
Local groups receive grants
The trustees of the Operation Round Up fund recently awarded more than $4,700 in grants to local school programs. Details of the grants are listed below. Springs Valley Elementary 3rd Gradereceived a $272.62 grant for classroom supplies for Virtual Learning. Pride of Paoli Band Boosters received a $1,000 grant for supplies, food and T-shirts. Springs… Continue reading.
Putting safety first
When asked to use a No. 2 pencil, fill circles completely and make no stray marks on the form, these instructions are likely to bring back memories of school years when scantron technology was used for testing. Hoosier Energy’s Merom Generating Station’s Job Safety Observation Team is utilizing this technology in a new way. Using… Continue reading.
Electricity brings everyday value
Even though I work in the energy industry, like most people, I still don’t think much about the electricity I use. I expect the lights to turn on when I flip the switch and the coffeemaker to work each morning. Because electricity is so abundant, we don’t think much about it. Since many of us… Continue reading.
2020 youth programs canceled
Every year, Orange County REMC accepts applications for the Youth Tour to Washington, D.C., and Touchstone Energy Camp at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston. These opportunities have been a great way for the co-op to connect with our youth and provide amazing educational opportunities. Shortly before the events were scheduled to occur, our national and statewide… Continue reading.