Orange County REMC
Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Unclaimed capital credits
We want to give a few of our members some money! The following is a list of people who were Orange County REMC members in 1959 and have unclaimed credits. We do not have current contact or mailing information for these members. This month, we are publishing members whose last names begin with the letter… Continue reading.
Stay back and stay safe!
Working with electricity can be a dangerous job, especially for lineworkers. In fact, USA Today lists line repairers and installers among the most dangerous jobs in the U.S. That’s why for Orange County REMC, safety is the number one priority. This is not empty talk. Over time, we have created a culture of putting our… Continue reading.
2020 director election timeline
Eugene Roberts, District 1 and Ben Lindsey, District 5 are incumbents whose terms expire in 2020. Petitions of nominations due by April 22 Nominations by the board (absent incumbents seeking re-elections or petitioners) by April 22 Full slate of candidates posted and mailed by May 14. All candidate biographies published in the May or June… Continue reading.
Fiber Optic Internet: Construction Update
We are excited to announce that construction of high-speed Fiber Optic Internet service, through our subsidiary, Orange County Fiber is progressing on schedule, with Phase 1 complete and Phase 2 about 80% complete. We are also pleased to announce that nearly 70% of members who now have access to the service have subscribed, with only… Continue reading.
Site links Hoosiers to job opportunities
Hoosier Energy is a generation and transmission (G&T) electric cooperative that provides wholesale power and services to 18 member electric cooperatives in central and southern Indiana and southeastern Illinois. We deliver power through a nearly 1,700 mile transmission network. Our mission is to provide members with assured, reliable and competitively priced energy and services in… Continue reading.
Stay ‘in the know’
At Orange County REMC we are constantly striving to improve our operational efficiency so we can provide the most reliable electric service possible for our consumer-members (that’s you!). We rely on data for nearly every aspect of our operations, which is why we need your help. By making sure we have your most accurate and… Continue reading.
2020 director election timeline
Eugene Roberts, District 1, and Ben Lindsey, District 5, are incumbent directors whose terms expire in 2020. Petitions of nominations due by April 22. Nominations by the board (absent incumbents seeking re-elections or petitioners) by April 22. Full slate of candidates posted and mailed by May 14. All candidate biographies published in the May or… Continue reading.
Save the date!
JUNE 5 Paoli Jr./Sr. High School501 S. Elm St., Paoli, IN 47454 Agenda 4:30 p.m. Registration Opens 4:30-6:30 p.m. Catered Meal 4:30-8 p.m. Children’s Activities 5-6:45 p.m. Entertainment by Kirby Stailey 7 p.m. Business Meeting
Seven ways to lower energy bills — for free
Clean your clothes dryer’s lint trap every time you load the machine. A lint-free trap allows for better air circulation, which could mean your clothes will dry quicker. When it’s sunny outside, throw open the curtains, even in the winter. Let the sun help warm your room and add enough light that you won’t need… Continue reading.
You count!
In mid-March, homes across the country will begin receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. Why is it important to participate? The 2020 Census will determine congressional representation, inform hundreds of billions in federal… Continue reading.
Manage your account with SmartHub
We know our members have lots to do every day. That’s why we now have an online account management system to help streamline the way you interact with your REMC account. Our new SmartHub system allows you to: Pay your bill and monitor your electric use from the website or from your iPhone, IPad or… Continue reading.