Orange County REMC
Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Save this fall with energy efficiency tips
Autumn is the time of year when your energy bill typically gets a break, before the extreme temperatures of winter set in. Here are a few ways you can maximize energy savings this time of year, and heading into winter. Open the blinds or curtains on your south-facing windows for some free solar gain during… Continue reading.
Grant funds school improvements
Gavin Scherschel walks a small piece of wood over to a tabletop circular saw and carefully trims it to the perfect length. He is on a team building a model home in the construction trades program at the North Lawrence Career Center. A year ago, the process of trimming a piece of wood was not… Continue reading.
Change happens fast!
Three years ago, in the September issue of what was then the Electric Consumer, I asked members to fill out a survey of interest that would begin laying the foundation of something new. The results of this initial survey were of resounding interest and formal discussions and work began to execute the board of directors’… Continue reading.
New employee spotlight
Adam Poole joined the Orange County Fiber team as a fiber technician in June. He and his wife, Kathryn, have a son Maddox, and a daughter, Avery. He enjoys spending time with his family, and following the activities his children are involved in. We are proud to welcome Adam to the team!
We have an app for that!
We have been working on this big change for quite a while, and now SmartHub is available to Orange County REMC members. This free app makes it simple and convenient to do the following: • View your bill • Make secure payments • Access your electric account • Check your electric use • Compare monthly… Continue reading.
Local groups receive grants
The trustees of the Operation Round Up® fund recently awarded $7,200 in grants to local community organizations and programs. Details of the grants are listed below. Growing Resilient Rams received $1,800 for the first grade program that helps students learn to regulate their emotions. Mitchell Church of Christ Bread of Life Food Pantry received $1,000… Continue reading.
The lawncare crew that loves its job
You might have driven past one of the 10 cooperative solar arrays throughout central and southern Indiana. Each site provides renewable energy to co-ops like yours and is the size of nine football fields. This creates a challenge in the summer months — lawncare. Hoosier Energy has hired a crew to help keep the grass… Continue reading.
New billing system to launch this month
Over the past several months, we’ve announced changes that will be taking place at Orange County REMC and Orange County Fiber. Beginning Aug. 12, we are transitioning to a new business software with National Information Solutions Cooperative (NISC). NISC’s software offers more options for our members with SmartHub. You will find more information readily available… Continue reading.
Save the Date for Patoka Lake Clean Up
The Patoka Lake Watershed Steering Committee encourages individuals, families, friends and service groups to save the date for the 13th Annual Patoka Lake Clean Up on Saturday, Aug. 24, at the Patoka Lake Dam. Participants of all ages and abilities can sign up on location at 8 a.m. EDT and will be assigned an area… Continue reading.