Orange County REMC
Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
More Stories
REMC hires new staking aide
Former intern Mason Mink now has a spot on the REMC team as a staking aide. Mink began as in intern in January of this year and was hired as a full-time employee in June. He is a 2019 graduate of Paoli Jr./Sr. High School. He enjoys hunting and fishing and is a member of… Continue reading.
Your chance to win $50
Orange County REMC members who pay their electric bills, using any of the automated systems listed below, will be entered in a drawing to win $50. Congratulations to last quarter’s winner: Matthew and Cathy Thomas of Paoli Eligible payment methods include: • Online at www.myremc.coop • Bank draft • IVR (by calling 833-890-7734) • Recurring… Continue reading.
Broadband internet project update
We are excited about the progress in building the new fiber optic internet system in our territory. As with any new project, some details have been slower than we hoped, but overall, Phase I construction has developed reasonably well. After an extremely slow start getting our network connected to our point of presence in… Continue reading.
Save on summer fun
Orange County REMC members can save on admission tickets and season passes at Holiday World and Splashin’ Safari. Go to myremc.coop and look under the “REMC Store” menu for details.
Pole testing continues
Orange County REMC has contracted crews to continue pole testing in the area served by the Mahan Substation through the month of August. The area affected is outlined in red above. REMC members in should be aware of extra utility vehicles along roadways and drive with caution.
More exciting changes for you!
As we explained in the April issue, Orange County REMC/Orange County Fiber is transitioning to a new business software. Don’t forget: Your bill will be getting a facelift starting in September and “how to read your bill” information will be coming soon. We’re also announcing a new bill payment phone number effective Aug. 12. The… Continue reading.
Firework safety tips
• Make sure fireworks are legal in your community before using them. • Never buy professional-grade fireworks. They are not designed for safe consumer use. • Keep small children a safe distance from all fireworks including sparklers which can burn at temperatures in excess of 2,000 degrees. • Never reignite or handle malfunctioning fireworks. Keep… Continue reading.
Defining ‘Degree Days’
Weather can have a major impact on energy bills, and when the outdoor temperatures become extreme, your heating and cooling equipment works harder to keep your home comfortable. Did you know the energy experts at Orange County REMC use degree days to anticipate heating and cooling needs for you, our consumer-members? Never heard of a… Continue reading.