Orange County REMC Archives - Page 39 of 56 - Indiana Connection

Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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REMC hosts safety demo for scouts

Posted on Jun 25, 2019 in Orange County REMC

On May 9, Orange County REMC coordinated a hotline demonstration for 16 scouts and 11 adults from various local groups. Attendees included Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana Troops 1759 from Orleans and 6175 from Paoli, as well as Cub Scout Packs 3387 from Springs Valley and 381 from Paoli.  The guests also enjoyed snacks and took… Continue reading.

How Hoosier Energy works to keep vegetation away from power lines

Posted on Jun 25, 2019 in A Co-op Perspective, Bartholomew County REMC, Clark County REMC, Decatur County REMC, Harrison REMC, Orange County REMC, Southern Indiana Power

Safe and reliable transmission of electricity is at the core of the Hoosier Energy vegetation management program. Trees or other woody-stemmed vegetation growing too close to power lines can cause extensive power outages and damage as well as pose serious fire and safety hazards to the public if the trees come in contact with energized… Continue reading.

You’re invited!

Posted on May 29, 2019 in Orange County REMC

Join us June 7 for our annual meeting. Orange County REMC wouldn’t exist without our members! That’s because YOU are our REMC. But have you ever wondered why you should attend our annual meeting? Here are three great reasons why you should attend:  It’s fun! It’s free! It’s all for you! Join us on June… Continue reading.

How much does it cost?

Posted on May 29, 2019 in Orange County REMC

Did you know that Orange County REMC has not increased rates since 2011? For eight years, the co-op has been able to absorb all cost increases we’ve encountered. In fact, Hoosier Energy just implemented a rate increase on wholesale power cost, and we also plan to absorb that without passing it onto the membership. Our… Continue reading.

REMC hires new employee

Posted on May 29, 2019 in Orange County REMC

Please help us welcome Charles Hopper, our new materials manager. He and his wife, Amy, have one daughter, Alivia, and live in Orleans. He is a 1990 Orleans High School graduate who previously worked for Hall Brothers Transportation for 20 years. His family enjoys camping and fishing. He currently serves on the Orleans Cemetery board… Continue reading.

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