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Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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Embracing healthy conflict

Posted on Jan 25, 2019 in Orange County REMC

I recently read an article that the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) published, and I thought it would be helpful for our members to hear firsthand of how a manager/CEO and board of directors relationship should work vs. how it works here at your cooperative. Additionally, I thought how important this relationship directly translates… Continue reading.

Employee News

Posted on Jan 24, 2019 in Orange County REMC

This month brings some changes to the REMC team. Ashley Terrell, who has been a member service representative since 2004, is moving over to the Orange County Fiber division to handle similar duties. Hannah Carter has recently been hired to take Ashley’s place on the REMC side. Carter was born in California, but grew up… Continue reading.

Fiber installation progress

Posted on Jan 24, 2019 in Orange County REMC

The photos below show the recent installation of a fiber hub at the Leipsic substation. For more information about our project to bring high speed internet to all Orange County REMC members, visit

2019 director election timeline

Posted on Jan 24, 2019 in Orange County REMC

Randy Roberts, district 2; Rodney Hager, district 4; and George Key, district 7 are incumbents whose terms expire in 2019. Letters of intent due by Feb. 7. Posting of incumbent list by Feb. 22. Names published in the March issue of this magazine. Petitions of nominations due by April 23. Nominations by the board (absent… Continue reading.

Winter driving safety

Posted on Dec 20, 2018 in A Co-op Perspective, Bartholomew County REMC, Clark County REMC, Decatur County REMC, Harrison REMC, Orange County REMC, Southern Indiana Power

A Hoosier Energy employee who drives throughout central and southern Indiana shares some precautions he takes to stay safe and to keep your energy flowing. Meter Relay Technician Don Small has worked at Hoosier Energy for nearly 39 years. He has accumulated approximately 1.5 million miles driving to different substations and member cooperatives, averaging 40,000-60,000… Continue reading.

Making sense of change

Posted on Dec 19, 2018 in Orange County REMC

The year 2018, no matter what happens in the future, will go down in history as a year of great change. However, one thing that will remain unchanged is the cooperative’s obligation to provide safe, reliable, and affordable electricity to its members. In 2019, that mission now also includes providing reliable and affordable high-speed internet… Continue reading.

2019 director election timeline

Posted on Dec 19, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Randy Roberts (district 2), Rodney Hager (district 4), and George Key (district 7) are incumbents whose terms expire in 2019. Letters of intent due by Feb. 7, 2019. Posting of incumbent list by Feb. 22, 2019. Names published in the March issue of this magazine. Petitions of nominations due by April 23, 2019. Nominations by… Continue reading.

Apply today 2019 scholarships

Posted on Dec 19, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC continuously looks for ways to support our community. That’s why each year we assist our young members in their pursuit of higher education by awarding scholarships to our graduating seniors. APPLICANT REQUIREMENTS The parents or legal guardians of the applicant must be cooperative members. The parents or legal guardians of the applicant… Continue reading.

Students: Don’t miss your chance to apply for these great programs!

Posted on Dec 19, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Page Day Spend a day in the Indiana Senate on Jan. 23 with students from electric cooperatives all over the state. How to Apply: Visit IGA.IN.GOV/legislative/findlegislators to find your state legislator. Visit fill out your application. Deadline to apply is Jan. 11. youth tour to Washington, d.c. Students who will be high school seniors… Continue reading.

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