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Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Orleans, Indiana. As a cooperative, Orange County REMC follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.

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More than $10,000 awarded in Operation Round Up grants

Posted on Aug 28, 2018 in Orange County REMC

In the most recent Operation Round Up grant cycle, $10,714.50 was awarded to local community and civic organizations. The grants included: Mitchell Church of Christ Bread of Life: $1,500 Springs Valley Lady Hawk Golf: $300 Prevent Child Abuse Orange County : $1,800 English Wesleyan Food Pantry: $1,529.90 Orange County Habitat for Humanity: $2,630 Pride of… Continue reading.

Celebrating 81 years

Posted on Jul 31, 2018 in Orange County REMC

The members of Orange County REMC gathered on June 8 for the annual meeting at Paoli Junior-Senior High School. “This year marks Orange County REMC’s 81st year striving to go the extra mile to bring value and improve our members’ and communities’ quality of life,” said Eugene Roberts, while presiding over the meeting as board… Continue reading.

Local students travel and learn

Posted on Jul 31, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Several students from the Orange County REMC service territory recently had a chance to experience learning like never before even when school was out for the summer. Touchstone Energy Camp Four local students attended the three-day Touchstone Energy Camp and experienced horseback riding, rock climbing, swimming, archery and campfires, along with learning about electrical safety…. Continue reading.

Patoka Lake Cleanup Day

Posted on Jul 30, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Please help restore Patoka Lake’s shoreline to its natural state of beauty and cleanliness for wildlife safety and water quality. Cleanup Day is Aug. 25 from 8 to 11 a.m. Lunch will immediately follow. Meet at the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Office, 4512 N. Cuzco Road S., next to the dam/spillway to receive supplies… Continue reading.

Your chance to win $50!

Posted on Jul 30, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC members who pay their electric bills using any of the following automated systems will be entered in a drawing to win $50. Eligible payment methods include: Online at Bank draft IVR (by calling 855-865-2229) Recurring credit or debit card Congratulations to last quarter’s winner — Paul and Candice Byrn of Paoli!

Member says ‘thank you’

Posted on Jul 30, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Last month, Orange County REMC received this kind note from member Charles Carr: Last week, my wife, Connie, was going to work. She must work to buy the medicine that I require since my stroke in 2013. Connie experienced a flat tire on our 2001 Volvo while driving on State Hwy. 37 E. With me… Continue reading.

Review of the 2018 Annual Meeting

Posted on Jul 30, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Director elections, entertainment by Kirby Stailey, briefings from the directors and employees of Orange County REMC and drawings for door prizes were on the agenda for the cooperative’s annual meeting on June 8. Nearly 800 people attended the meeting at Paoli Junior-Senior High School. The feedback we continue to get on the venue is overwhelming… Continue reading.

Shining light on a renewable resource

Posted on Jun 25, 2018 in A Co-op Perspective, Clark County REMC, Decatur County REMC, Harrison REMC, Orange County REMC, Southern Indiana Power

Member cooperatives throughout central and southern Indiana are now gathering energy from ten 1-megawatt solar arrays.  Collectively, the 10 solar sites provide approximately 20 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of energy annually. This is equivalent to powering 30,400 refrigerators for a year. These solar arrays contribute to Hoosier Energy’s target of supplying 10 percent of member energy… Continue reading.

REMC welcomes new employee

Posted on Jun 25, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC would like to introduce Jason Cook. He started working as an apprentice lineman on March 26. He will start his lineman apprenticeship this fall. Cook was raised in Orange County and is a graduate of Paoli High School. He and his wife, Jenny, reside in Paoli with their daughter, Lily. His hobbies… Continue reading.

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