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Preparing for director elections

Posted on Oct 25, 2017 in Harrison REMC

Being an electric cooperative member offers a unique opportunity to be a part of the decision-making process in the business. Because Harrison REMC is a cooperative, it is owned by its members. That means members are responsible for electing other members to take the leadership positions on the board of directors to help shape business… Continue reading.

Serving our members

Posted on Oct 25, 2017 in Harrison REMC

It is hard to believe that we are already getting into the holiday months. And with the quickly approaching holiday season, we know that many people are planning their holiday activities. With this in mind, I want to recap a few things that are going on at Harrison REMC. Bus Trip Since we are talking… Continue reading.

Save energy in your home

Posted on Oct 25, 2017 in Fulton County REMC

Wow, an AC battery! I didn’t even know they existed! Well, if you own an electric water heater with a load control switch, you have one. Now, I know that you might be thinking I am crazy. But it’s true. You have a way to store AC power, or maybe I should say store energy… Continue reading.

Youth programs

Posted on Oct 25, 2017 in Fulton County REMC

Indiana Electric Cooperative Page Day – Jan. 31, Feb. 7 Spend a day in the Indiana Senate with students from REMCs around the state. See the Senate in action, observe policy debates, assist legistlators during session, and tour the governor’s office and Statehouse. REQUIREMENTS You must be available on Jan. 31 or Feb. 7 and… Continue reading.

Working for you: Mike Mugler

Posted on Oct 24, 2017 in Clark County REMC

Mike Mugler is Working for You. As the Information Technology Manager, Mike has been with Clark County REMC for 11 years. When asked what he enjoys most about his job, he stated, “I enjoy helping my co-workers solve their computer and technical problems.” Mike was born and raised in the New Albany area where he currently… Continue reading.

Dedicated to solar

Posted on Oct 24, 2017 in A Co-op Perspective, Fulton County REMC, Kankakee Valley REMC, LaGrange County REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Noble REMC, Steuben County REMC

Wabash Valley Power recently joined its member cooperatives to dedicate three new solar array sites in Peru, Indiana; Paris, Illinois; and Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. The new sites will join existing arrays in Danville and Wanatah, Indiana, to produce electricity for a new community solar program called Co-op Solar, which will be available to members of… Continue reading.

Handmade items by our members

Posted on Oct 24, 2017 in Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative

Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative is a proud supporter of local businesses! You can even save at local business, like these, through our Co-op Connections Card program! Find out more at GiGi’s Studio Boutique GiGi’s Studio Boutique is run by individuals with Down syndrome who use a process called sublimation to make a variety of… Continue reading.

Official notice: board election process begins

Posted on Oct 24, 2017 in Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative

The Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) board of trustees consists of nine co-op members who each represent one district within the territory served by PPEC. The trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing, and revising corporate policies to ensure that service to the PPEC membership is foremost in mind, while maintaining a stable yet competitive position… Continue reading.

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