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Highlights of the CEO’s annual meeting address

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Miami-Cass REMC

Each year as Miami-Cass REMC CEO, I have the privilege of addressing you, our members, at our member appreciation day/annual meeting. Here are just a few highlights from my address to those in attendance. State of your cooperative: Miami-Cass REMC has remained stable and statuesque. We are financially strong with an awesome employee base. We… Continue reading.

Annual Meeting Snapshots

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Miami-Cass REMC

Annual Meeting Recap The 78th Member Appreciation Day/Annual Meeting was held July 27 at Peru High School. Total attendance at the meeting was over 700 with 321 registered members representing nearly 6.7 percent of the total voting membership. Members were able to enjoy a BBQ meal provided by Jonesy’s Junction of Akron and entertainment provided… Continue reading.

Save energy in your home

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Fulton County REMC

While most homeowners would like to be more energy efficient and save money, often it feels overwhelming to know where to start. How can the average family use less energy, lower its utility bill and still meet its daily energy needs? To help jumpstart your effort, it helps to know what the top energy users… Continue reading.

Don’t let your focus fall during harvest

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Fulton County REMC

As summer draws to a close, harvest season is quickly drawing near. When tractors, augers, combines and wagons take to the fields, it usually results in anxiety, hyperactivity and sleepless nights for the farming families in this area of the country. But please, don’t forget safety. Across the Midwest each fall, farm-related accidents injure children… Continue reading.

Easy steps for easy savings

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Southern Indiana Power

“Fall” into savings, and you’ll be well on your way to pocketing some extra green throughout the winter months! Your cooperative has energy tips to help you reduce electric bills, keep your home comfortable and save money! As you begin to feel that nip in the air, take these simple steps to control energy costs… Continue reading.

Rate schedule

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Southern Indiana Power

How to compute your electric bill: Use this information to figure your bill for electric use in September. Wholesale power cost tracker $0.00766 Indiana sales tax 7 percent General service rate Facility charge $24.50 per month All kWh $0.0975 Off-peak heating systems Facility charge $28.50 per month All kWh $0.0975 All kWh for energy used… Continue reading.

July 26 board meeting highlights

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Southern Indiana Power

In an effort to keep you informed of your cooperative’s operations and activities, the following are highlights of the July 26 board meeting. 1. All directors were present. Also present were CEO Steve Seibert, Administrative Assistant Lisa Hinton and State Sen. Erin Houchin. 2. The June 21 board meeting minutes were reviewed and approved. 3…. Continue reading.

News briefs

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Southern Indiana Power

Labor Day closing Don’t forget our office will be closed on Monday, Sept. 4, for Labor Day. The employees and directors of Southern Indiana Power wish you a safe and happy Labor Day! Apply for an Operation Round Up grant Time is running out! The last day to apply for an Operation Round Up grant… Continue reading.

Why does the power blink?

Posted on Aug 25, 2017 in Southern Indiana Power

At one time or another, we’ve all returned home or woken up late for work to see a blinking “12:00” on our digital alarm clock. You then have to reset every digital clock in your household that doesn’t have a battery backup — from the microwave oven to the answering machine. Usually, this state of… Continue reading.

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