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The power behind your power

Posted on Feb 28, 2017 in Steuben County REMC

March 3 is Employee Appreciation Day, and Steuben County REMC would like to take a moment to recognize the hard work and dedication of our behind-the-scenes employees. While the linemen may be the visible faces of the co-op, there is a lot of work that has to happen to keep your electricity flowing. Let’s take… Continue reading.

Join us for our annual meeting on April 4

Posted on Feb 28, 2017 in Marshall County REMC

Official notice The annual meeting of the members of Marshall County Rural Electric Membership Corporation will be held at the Plymouth Wesleyan Church, 11203 Michigan Road, Plymouth, Indiana. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 4. Two directors will be elected. The candidates selected by the nominating committee are listed here. In… Continue reading.

Cooperatives vote

Posted on Feb 28, 2017 in Marshall County REMC

The annual meeting is your opportunity to vote for the candidates running for the Marshall County REMC board of directors. The REMC is governed by a board of directors who are elected by the members at the annual meeting. The directors are challenged with the responsibility of representing the membership in major decisions that face… Continue reading.

Supporting our local community

Posted on Feb 28, 2017 in Marshall County REMC

On Jan. 24, the Marshall County REMC Operation Round Up board awarded grants, totaling $7,798, to the following organizations: Bread of Life Community Food Pantry received funding to purchase an air conditioner for the garage space of a new building to allow more food storage between 68 and 74 degrees.  Bread of Life provides one… Continue reading.

Easy steps to greater efficiency

Posted on Feb 28, 2017 in Marshall County REMC

Do you want to save money and electricity but have limited time, money and patience? According to the Department of Energy, a “typical American family” spends nearly $2,000 per year on its home energy bills. Much of that money, however, is wasted through leaky windows or ducts, old appliances or inefficient heating and cooling systems…. Continue reading.

Lineman graduates from apprenticeship program

Posted on Feb 28, 2017 in Marshall County REMC

Marshall County REMC is proud to announce Chris Ennis, journeyman lineman, graduated from the Rural Electric Apprenticeship Program (REAP). REAP is a four-year program for apprentices who wish to become electric linemen. Ennis attended more than 500 hours of classroom instruction and related study, and he completed 8,000 hours of on-the-job training. Several phases of… Continue reading.

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