Paulding-Putnam Electric Cooperative
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2018 budget
It’s never an easy thing to introduce a rate increase. However, in March Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) will increase rates slightly to recover the increasing costs of operations. We all know expenses continue to rise each year, and this impacts PPEC just like it impacts you at home or at your business. We at… Continue reading.
Slight Rate Adjustment
Q. How much will my bill increase? A. The monthly service charge will increase from $29.50 to $32.95. This will be offset by a reduction in the energy charges. Overall, including a general revenue increase, residential members will see an increase of about $3 per month, which would be just under 2 percent. Q…. Continue reading.
Youth Tour
What are you doing this summer? Your electric co-op wants to send you on an all-inclusive trip of a lifetime to Washington, D.C. Interested in a life-changing leadership experience in Washington, D.C.? Ohio: June 8-14, 2018 Indiana: June 7-14, 2018 While on Youth Tour, you’ll visit: U. S. Capitol World War II Memorial Jefferson Memorial… Continue reading.
You have the control at your cooperative
The title of my article relates to one of the seven cooperative principles all co-ops adhere to — democratic member control. Simply put, it means the membership — you and I — get to elect the board of trustees that oversees the cooperative. This is unique in the utility world. At electric cooperatives, members elect… Continue reading.
Calling all high school seniors!
More than $5,000 in scholarships from PPEC will be awarded! APPLY TODAY! Visit Call the co-op at 1-800-686-2357 Stop by the co-op office: 401 McDonald Pike Pick them up from your guidance counselor Deadline to apply: February 2018
A slice of the pie
Unlike investor-owned utilities that maximize profits to pay their shareholders, not-for-profit electric cooperatives do not exist to earn a profit. You receive capital credits because you are more than a customer — you’re an owner of Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative. Capital credit payments represent your ownership in your cooperative and are one of the most… Continue reading.
Democracy is at the heart of your co-op
One of the seven cooperative principles is democratic member control. Simply put, this means the cooperative members elect the board of trustees, who then guide the direction of the cooperative. This issue of the magazine contains the official announcement of our board elections, which will be held prior to the 2018 annual membership meeting. Cooperatives… Continue reading.
Handmade items by our members
Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative is a proud supporter of local businesses! You can even save at local business, like these, through our Co-op Connections Card program! Find out more at GiGi’s Studio Boutique GiGi’s Studio Boutique is run by individuals with Down syndrome who use a process called sublimation to make a variety of… Continue reading.
Official notice: board election process begins
The Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) board of trustees consists of nine co-op members who each represent one district within the territory served by PPEC. The trustees are responsible for establishing, reviewing, and revising corporate policies to ensure that service to the PPEC membership is foremost in mind, while maintaining a stable yet competitive position… Continue reading.
What is a cost-of-service study?
The cost-of-service study is a professional study used to determine the actual cost to provide electric service to our members. The study reviews the current rate design to see if costs are recovered as they are incurred. As with any organization or business, there are fixed costs and variable costs. It is important that fixed… Continue reading.
Members helping members
When lightning strikes your home, it’s bad — but when it causes your house to burn down, it’s utterly devastating. However, in July 2016, the Rev. Jim Wright and his wife, Tammy, knew that God had to have a plan for it to happen. With Jim already facing cancer, it was hard for them to… Continue reading.
Electricity continues to remain a great value
It is a fact that things cost more today than they did yesterday, last year, or five years ago. The price of electricity has increased as well. However, when compared to things we buy every day, electricity cost increases typically are less. That means electricity remains a good value for the money. The average Paulding… Continue reading.