Tipmont is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Linden, Indiana. As a cooperative, Tipmont follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Professor Rob: Escaping password pitfalls (Part One)
This piece is the first in a multi-part series on personal password management — an increasingly important topic to help you safeguard your personal information as we perform more online activities. I would like to get Tipmont internet, but changing all my device WiFi passwords is a hassle! We hear this a lot. Many homes… Continue reading.
Participate in our upcoming survey
Watch your email for a media preference survey from MRI-Simmons Research, arriving between March 7 and 14. Your insights on how you prefer to receive information from us are vital. This online questionnaire will help guide our strategies for communicating with you. Your voice matters in shaping our future interactions, so please participate and help… Continue reading.
Tipmont grants: A little change goes a long way
Adding a few cents to your energy bill can flip a switch to improve lives and communities. In January 2024, Tipmont distributed over $9,000 in grants from its Operation Round Up and EnviroWatts programs. These grants funded public safety initiatives, STEM education activities, and energy efficiency in the communities we serve. OPERATION ROUND UP Round… Continue reading.
March’s Best Bets for Streaming
Escape your endless scroll through streaming options with movies and series you can watch tonight or plan for later. Need help picking the perfect streaming services? Visit streaming.tipmont.com! TOP PICKS “The Color Purple,” PG-13: Danielle Brooks delivers an Oscar-nominated turn in the musical adaptation of Alice Walker’s classic novel and Steven Spielberg’s 1985 film.(Max) “Orion… Continue reading.
March weather madness
This time of year, it’s not just basketball madness that people feel. The volatile Indiana weather can feel like all four seasons in one day. This spring, your home’s temperature may feel like it’s soaring and sinking with the weather. To avoid scary energy bills caused by your heating and cooling system working harder than… Continue reading.
Kilowatts & Brats events are coming soon
Rain-soaked ground. Snow on the way. Temperatures in the single digits and plummeting further with the chill of wind gusts of 60 miles per hour. Winter is in full swing as I write this column, and as always, Tipmont linemen, operations and support staff are ready to serve you during any wild weather event. By… Continue reading.
Get ready for Kilowatts & Brats!
Our 2024 Kilowatts & Brats events will be here soon! Register today at tipmont.com/kwb. Events will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. on:
Fiber internet construction updates
Tipmont is one step closer to ensuring our entire electric service territory has access to better in-home internet. We’re on track to complete our build by the end of this year. The areas we’re focusing on throughout 2024 are highlighted in ORANGE on the map. Current timelines and details are below. Find the latest up-to-date… Continue reading.
Professor Rob: Pro tips and tools for parental controls
The internet is nothing if not a reflection of human society. And in that society, there are places we don’t want our children to frequent. To protect children online, parental controls are becoming an increasingly important tool. Tipmont is often asked if our internet service includes parental controls. While it does not include built-in controls,… Continue reading.
Register for Camp Kilowatt!
JUNE 5–8 Camp Kilowatt delivers a fun, powerful and unique summer camp experience for students entering seventh grade. Located at Camp Tecumseh in Brookston, Indiana, the experience offers horseback riding, canoeing, ziplining, archery, rock-climbing, swimming and more, as well as opportunities to learn about electrical safety, ride bucket trucks and consider careers in the energy… Continue reading.
February’s best bets for streaming
Escape your endless scroll through streaming options with movies and series you can watch tonight or plan for later. Need help picking the perfect streaming services? Visit streaming.tipmont.com! TOP PICKS “Beyond Utopia,” PG-13: Using refugees’ own footage, this gripping documentary follows the harrowing journey of families attempting to flee North Korea for brighter futures. (Hulu)… Continue reading.
Beefed up charging: New EV charger network powers Hoosier travelers
Electric vehicle drivers eating at the Beef House Restaurant in Covington can now fill up their automobiles at the same time. The electric vehicle charger installed at the Beef House is one of over 50 high-speed direct current fast charger stations in a new statewide network created by GO Electric Vehicle Indiana (GOEVIN). The collaboration… Continue reading.