WIN Energy REMC is a member-owned electric cooperative headquartered in Vincennes, Indiana. As a cooperative, WIN Energy follows seven core principles that are universal to cooperatives worldwide. Among those principles is one stressing education, training and information. Indiana Connection, a monthly magazine published especially for Indiana’s electric cooperative members, is one way the REMC informs and educates its members. Indiana Connection is available not only in a print format, but as an electronic publication for those who prefer getting their information on their electronic devices.
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Win Energy REMC announces Beard as new CEO
WIN Energy REMC is pleased to announce the board of directors has selected Leslie Beard as its new Chief Executive Officer (CEO), effective Aug. 1. Beard succeeds Tom Nowaskie, who served as CEO from August 2018 to July 2024. Nowaskie retired from the cooperative on July 31 after more than 45 years of service. Beard… Continue reading.
Over $16,000 in grants awarded to local organizations
The WIN Energy REMC Community Trust recently presented four grants totaling $16,109.67 to the following organizations: The Operation Round Up program allows WIN Energy REMC members to reach out to worthy causes in their communities and work together to help others. Thank you to those members who round up their electric bills to the next… Continue reading.
REMC retirements
T Tom Nowaskie retired from WIN Energy REMC on July 31, 2024, after over 45 years of service. He began his career at Knox County REMC in 1978 as a truck driver/ groundman. In 1979, he was promoted to apprentice lineman and four years later became a journeyman lineman. Throughout his years of service, Tom… Continue reading.
New employee news
Please help welcome WIN Energy REMC’s newest employee, Tamara Kocher. She began her career at the co-op in June as an accountant. Welcome, Tamara!
Real, meaningful work
When Darian Lafferty graduated from Bloomington High School North in May, she started her summer internship at Hoosier Energy. However, it would be the second time she interned for the Bloomington-based generation and transmission cooperative. Lafferty served as a high school intern — the first at Hoosier in recent memory — from September to May… Continue reading.
1978 — The year it all began
The year 1978 was historic. Not only was it the year of the blizzard, but it’s the year I began working at Knox County REMC as a truck driver/ groundman. In 1979, I was promoted to an apprentice lineman and after four years of training in the HEATs (Hoosier Energy Apprenticeship Training Program), became a… Continue reading.
Congratulations to our Annual Meeting prize winners!
$1,000 Cash Grand Prize JAMES WILLIAMS Merom HARRY KNOTTS Carlisle $50 Bill Credit • Silas Ashley – Petersburg • Karen Atkinson – Vincennes • Dixie Bass – Petersburg • William Batman- Wheatland • Lynn Beaver – Fairbanks • Clement Bilskie Jr. – Vincennes • Peggy Braun – Hazleton • James Brenton – Bruceville • Susan… Continue reading.
Election results
Three director seats were up for election at this year’s annual meeting. The members that registered at the annual meeting elected the following directors to represent the membership in their districts:
Employee promotion
Congratulations to Sam Kerzan on her promotion! Kerzan was promoted to lead member services representative in the Vincennes office.
Hoosier Energy gives back with Community Impact Week
Hoosier Energy held its second annual Community Impact Week this spring, which was bigger and better than the first. Hoosier Energy employees’ participation increased by 11 percent, and they also saw increased opportunities to participate. The week kicked off with Monroe County Community Kitchen’s Backpack Buddies, which distributes backpacks with food items for distribution to… Continue reading.