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Worry Wart

Posted on Feb 01, 2008 in From the Editor

When magazine mascot Alfred E. Neuman asked, “What, me worry?” he obviously didn’t know what he was saying. There’s a whole list of reasons to worry: the economy, the election, the war, crime, our children, our jobs, our overloaded schedules. Of course we’re going to worry! After 10 minutes reading the newspaper or listening to… Continue reading.

Another language

Posted on Feb 12, 2007 in From the Editor

I can’t shake the image. When I think of George Washington, my first impression is of him chopping down a cherry tree. I can’t recall why he allegedly got ax-happy. Maybe he figured if the branches fell to the ground, it would be easier to get to the fruit. Hunger, after all, can lead to… Continue reading.

Arrest of a story

Posted on Jan 12, 2007 in From the Editor

The big police news here in Indianapolis this month is the Jan. 1 merging of the Indianapolis Police Department and the Marion County Sheriff’s Department into the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department. The merger, said Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson, should save from $9 to $10 million and will eventually lead to more officers patrolling capital city… Continue reading.

‘Circus’ Pioneer

Posted on Aug 12, 2006 in From the Editor

In today’s world of iPods and plasma screen TVs, the idea of a traveling “circus” showcasing electric appliances like irons, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners seems inconceivable. Yet, almost 70 years ago, these educational Farm Shows, nicknamed “circuses” because they were usually held outdoors under large tents, were popular events throughout rural America. As many as… Continue reading.

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