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County Profile: Jasper County

Posted on Sep 26, 2021 in County

Most towns have a mural or two depicting aspects of the town’s history or famous residents. But Jasper County has turned itself into a giant art gallery for murals — painted on buildings throughout the county seat of Rensselaer.  Beginning with just one mural a half dozen years ago, Rensselaer now hosts an annual mural… Continue reading.

With cooperatives, you get the credit

Posted on Sep 26, 2021 in Features

Operation at cost is part of the cooperative difference. Electric cooperatives aren’t like other utilities. You, as a consumer and a member, own a portion of the business. And one benefit of that membership involves the allocation of excess revenue, called margins, in the form of capital credits. Electric cooperatives operate at cost, collecting enough… Continue reading.

Did you know?

Posted on Sep 26, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

The first successful U.S. cooperative was organized in 1752 when Benjamin Franklin formed the Philadelphia Contributionship for the Insurance of Houses from Loss by Fire — the nation’s oldest continuing cooperative. Electric cooperatives began because it was not cost-effective for investor-owned utllities to string power lines into rural areas in the 1930s.  Indiana Electric Cooperatives,… Continue reading.

The Rochdale Principles

Posted on Sep 26, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

Co-ops deliver electricity, sell produce, provide loans, and arrange for housing, health care and more. But despite these differences, they all have one thing in common, especially during National Cooperative Month, — seven cooperative principles: Voluntary and open membership: Available to all who can reasonably use their services. Democratic member control: Each member has one… Continue reading.

What co-ops are all about

Posted on Sep 26, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

You might be surprised by the number of co-ops around you. Co-ops have been formed to sell produce and electricity, offer financial and banking services, provide housing and health care, and so much more. So, where did the bright idea for co-ops come from? It’s a matter of principles (seven to be exact!). The modern… Continue reading.

County Profile: Ripley County

Posted on Aug 25, 2021 in County

Muzzleloaders and bumbershoots make Ripley County burst with the curious combo of clouds of black powder and showers of color this month. The county, in the southeast pocket of the state, has long been known for hosting the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association in Friendship with its spring and fall competitions. The NMLRA was established… Continue reading.

Labor wisely on Labor Day

Posted on Aug 25, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

For many people, Labor Day is a day of rest. For others, it’s a day to catch up on outdoor home projects before the season changes. Faulty extension cords are often a source of injury when working outside. So are metal ladders coming into contact with an electrical source. By following the tips below, you… Continue reading.

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