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Practice fall storm safety

Posted on Aug 25, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

Late summer and early fall often bring tornadoes and floods to our part of the country. That’s why it’s smart to take precautions with your home’s electrical system. Keep in mind that debris from storms can easily ignite if it comes into contact with downed power lines, especially if electrical wires are severed. Also, standing… Continue reading.

Remember that September

Posted on Aug 25, 2021 in Features

Seared into the memories of most folks over the age of 25 are where they were, what they were doing, and who they were with as the unspeakable acts of terror were carried out the morning of Sept. 11, 2001.  That is, of course, the day the United States was attacked by Islamic terrorists who… Continue reading.

Made-in-the-shade getaway

Posted on Aug 25, 2021 in Travel

Seeking a getaway made in the shade? Shades State Park is a place that lives up to its name. Located in west north-central Indiana straddling the Montgomery/Parke/Fountain county junction, this nature lover’s paradise is a favorite for hikers and canoeists. Its beautiful sandstone cliffs overlook Sugar Creek and trails take you through shady ravines. Trails go… Continue reading.

Calm down

Posted on Jul 27, 2021 in From the Editor

How do you relax? Perhaps you take a walk or ride your bike around the neighborhood. Maybe you de-stress in a warm bubble bath or while napping in a hammock. I personally enjoy temporarily escaping reality by immersing myself in a good book. No matter what method you use to calm your mind, it’s just… Continue reading.

Your own LOL school story

Posted on Jul 26, 2021 in Features

Ease into your first few days back to school by filling out this “fill in the blank” story with your friends. Here’s a story all about going back to school — and the adventures that could be awaiting you when you get there. By filling in the blanks as indicated, the story is sure to… Continue reading.

New adventures in learning

Posted on Jul 26, 2021 in Features

Staying organized will make it easier to do your best in school. Remember to write down what your assignments are every day. Check them off as you finish them. You will feel a sense of accomplishment with each check mark. Keep important papers organized so you can easily find them if you need them. You… Continue reading.

A mind-boggling blessing

Posted on Jul 26, 2021 in Profile

When Nick Stainbrook joined JCREMC in 2001, he came in as a 19-year-old local kid waiting his turn to become a lineman. But he had to wait in line for an apprentice position to become available. So, for the first year and a half, his position meant taking care of the JCREMC building, cleaning, mowing… Continue reading.

Peachy Keen

Posted on Jul 26, 2021 in Travel

How a roadside produce stand called “The Big Peach” could become so iconic in the heart of southwest Indiana’s melon country says a lot about marketing. While the popular family-owned market along U.S. 41 north of Vincennes began with a peach orchard on the property in 1954, its giant 20-foot-tall concrete peach alongside a yellow… Continue reading.

Electricity 101 for college students

Posted on Jul 26, 2021 in Features

Shopping for dorm décor, searching for extra-long sheets, and stocking up on microwavable food and lots of snacks are musts for students going off to college for the first time. Another must, which is often overlooked, is being mindful of electrical safety concerns associated with communal living. College is the first time most young adults… Continue reading.

Out of the bag

Posted on Jul 26, 2021 in Features

When Candice Hinkle — then Layman — first asked if she could don the fuzzy black suit and oversized head of her high school’s mascot, she let more than one cat out of the bag. Her high school was Logansport. The mascot was Felix the Cat, the famous feline of film and funny pages —… Continue reading.

Ensure your child stays healthy all school year

Posted on Jul 26, 2021 in Features

Back-to-school preparation means more than just toting a list of must-buy classroom items to the store or buying a new pair of jeans and some sneakers. Consider these health and nutrition issues before the first bell sounds. You are what you eat Packing lunch ensures that you control what fuels your child’s body. The National… Continue reading.

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