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Yard sale season

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

It’s yard sale season and lots of people love getting bargains. As the saying goes, “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” But before forking over the cash, parents or anyone living in a household with children should stop, inspect and think before buying. Why? Old products that were once considered safe may have since… Continue reading.

Stop those summer energy drains

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

Summer break can be a recipe for high electric bills if kids are home all day enjoying cool indoor air. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates that 9 percent of Americans’ household energy costs are dedicated to air conditioning alone, so try these tips to keep costs down when the temperature rises. Avoid ‘phantom’ load… Continue reading.

Seek shelter from storms

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Features

When you’re out on summer days having fun, it might be hard to do the right thing when bad weather suddenly approaches. But lightning can kill instantly and seemingly come from out of the blue. Don’t stay out when you hear the first rumbles of thunder; that’s nature’s warning! When storms approach: Seek shelter immediately…. Continue reading.

Professional Progression: Building Trust

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Profile

The day Mary Jo Thomas took the open accounting position at Whitewater Valley REMC in 1996, she began working her way up the career ladder. In 2013, she became president and CEO of the cooperative that provides electricity to consumers in several counties along the Indiana/Ohio state line around Richmond.  “I did not set out… Continue reading.

The hills are alive …

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Travel

To most folks, “bluegrass” probably conjures up the sprightly music played with a banjo, fiddle and mandolin from the hills of Kentucky or Tennessee. But for those who know their bluegrass music, the hills of bucolic Brown County come just as readily to mind. For over 80 years, the Brown County burg of Bean Blossom… Continue reading.

Light up the night

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Features

You toil all spring to make sure your garden and landscaping are beautiful. But come summer, enjoying your handiwork is reserved to glimpses on bright weekend days because work and other commitments keep you away from home during most daylight hours.  The solution? Plant a few lights among your bushes and plants. Outdoor lighting looks… Continue reading.

How to include your pets in the family vacation

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Pets

Sixty years ago, author John Steinbeck wrote a semi-nonfictional travelogue called “Travels with Charley” about a road trip around America. Charley was his standard poodle. A decade later, singer Lobo had a soft rock hit that detailed road trips with “Me and You and a Dog Named Boo.” While we may not be writing a… Continue reading.

Watch out for heat illnesses

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Features

The onset of summer comes with lots of fun outdoor activities — whether you’re lying by the pool or playing on a baseball field. Keep heat stress at bay, no matter your sun-soaked activity of choice, by knowing how to prevent heat-related illnesses and how to recognize the symptoms in yourself and others. The most… Continue reading.

Something old, something new

Posted on May 25, 2021 in Features

By Richard G. Biever Laura Burton was never the kind of little girl who dreamed of having that big, fancy, “Barbie-style” ballroom wedding. “I was more of a tomboy,” she said. But on Sunday drives with her parents, she did like to daydream while gazing out the back windows at the passing farmland and countryside…. Continue reading.

County Profile: Benton County

Posted on May 25, 2021 in County

Benton County’s two most prominent claims to fame both pertain to the “harness” — as in harness racing and harnessing the wind. At the turn of the 20th century, harness racing was one of the most popular sports in the nation. And into the limelight paced Dan Patch, a dark bay Standardbred stallion who went… Continue reading.

Coffee Break

Posted on May 01, 2021 in From the Editor

Coffee has never been my beverage of choice. Although I’ve always adored how it smells, its characteristic bitterness assaults my taste buds.   But since I’ve recently discovered caramel frappes — which I’ve decided are my personal “gateway” into the wonderful world of coffee — I’m starting to understand the appeal of an occasional cup… Continue reading.

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