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Community clean-up

Posted on Mar 25, 2021 in Features

By Richard G. Biever This year marks a half century since the nonprofit organization Keep America Beautiful first aired an unforgettable and now iconic ad campaign. The ad depicted a Native American in full buckskin paddling a canoe through a modern world of polluted water, air and land. “Some people have a deep, abiding respect… Continue reading.

County Profile: Decatur County

Posted on Mar 24, 2021 in County

Arbor Day is celebrated on the last Friday of each April. But one Indiana county holds a special place in its heart for a tree that towers daily over the county’s affairs — an attraction that has been around for over 150 years. That county is Decatur County. That tree is none other than “The… Continue reading.

How to start saving energy and money

Posted on Mar 24, 2021 in Features

By Paul Wesslund If you want to celebrate Earth Day on April 22, start by making your home more energy efficient. Below are three efficiency tips from energy expert Brian Sloboda of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. Look around your home for no-cost ways to be efficient. Close the curtains in the summer and… Continue reading.

From cupboard to cleaning up

Posted on Mar 24, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

Head to your pantry or fridge for help with some common household chores. Clean and disinfect your computer keyboard by gently brushing on and between the keys with an old toothbrush that’s been soaked in a solution made with equal parts water and white vinegar. That same solution can remove water stains on glasses. Pour… Continue reading.

Cleaning house cleanly

Posted on Mar 24, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

If you’re concerned about harmful chemicals in some cleaning products or are just curious about making your own all-natural alternatives to store-bought cleaners, try these simple recipes that are also good for the environment. Furniture Polish 1 cup mineral oil 1 t. lemon oil Combine. Store in a spray bottle. All Purpose Cleaner 1 part… Continue reading.

Plan before you plant

Posted on Mar 24, 2021 in Features

Trees add beauty and value to your home. They also attract melodic songbirds to your yard and can help save energy by shading your home in the summer.  If you plan to join in Arbor Day celebrations on April 30 by planting a tree this spring, here are some things to remember: Choose the right… Continue reading.

Buying from baggage

Posted on Mar 01, 2021 in From the Editor

Shopping is one of my favorite pastimes. And finding unusual things to buy from unusual places is especially enticing to a shopaholic like me. That’s why I was so excited to learn about the Unclaimed Baggage Store which, just like its no-nonsense name suggests, sells all kinds of items that were lost in transit or… Continue reading.

The eyes have it

Posted on Feb 26, 2021 in Pets

At least 2 billion people around the world have vision problems – but how do you know if and when your pet is struggling with its own eyesight? “Sometimes animals struggle with the same eye problems that people do. They’re just not as good at telling us when something is wrong,” said Dr. Wendy Townsend,… Continue reading.

Wild, Wild Wilstem

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in Travel

A lot of tourist attractions claim to have “something for everyone.” While few actually live up to the billing, Wilstem Wildlife Park in Southern Indiana is an exception.  You like exotic animals from around the world? Wilstem has them. Animals from down under? Got those. You like native North American critters? Wilstem has them …… Continue reading.

Grow your own way!

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in Features

By Pamela A. Keene  Whether you have a multiple-acre plot or a patio, you can grow your own vegetables. With a little bit of know-how and a sunny place, enjoying the bounty of your own labors can be fun, rewarding and tasty. “There are so many reasons to grow your own vegetables and the flavors… Continue reading.

County Profile: Huntington County

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in County

Huntington County is home of the J.E. Roush Lake, the only impoundment on the Wabash River; and the county hosts the only museum dedicated to the vice presidents of the United States, particularly former resident Dan Quayle. J.E. Roush Lake, first known as Huntington Lake, was completed in 1968 by the U.S. Army Corps of… Continue reading.

What happens when a pole goes down

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in Features

Utility poles remain the backbone of most electric distribution systems. After more than 80 years since electric cooperatives first set them throughout rural Indiana, they remain the most cost-effective way to safely support power lines, insulators, transformers and other electric hardware. Occasionally, either through a vehicle strike, lightning strike, ice storm, tornado, or simply age,… Continue reading.

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