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Energy savings: Think about it

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in Features, Orange County REMC

Saving energy isn’t difficult, but it’s not automatic. You need to plan to buy energy-efficient appliances and to develop energy-wise lifestyle habits.  Here are 11 easy things to do around the house to save electricity and pare down your energy bill: Install a programmable thermostat to help you save energy while you work and sleep. … Continue reading.

Spring clean your appliances

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

Spring’s renewal traditionally means cleaning time, too: sweeping out the winter dirt from the garage, washing the windows, scrubbing the floors. While you’re spiffing up the house, don’t neglect your appliances. Dust the refrigerator. Refrigerators exchange heat through a system of coils. A buildup of dust and pet hair will make the unit run longer… Continue reading.

Kick ‘energy hogs’ out of your house

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in Features

“Energy hogs” are villainous creatures that feed on wasted energy. Don’t let your home be their home, too. Insulate your house. Insulation traps warm air inside so you don’t have to turn up the heat. In the summer, it keeps the cool air in and warm air out, reducing the amount of energy it takes… Continue reading.

Bills reflect weather

Posted on Feb 25, 2021 in Features

Electric bills vary with the seasons, driven by weather and consumer use patterns. Weather matters when talking about electricity and your bill. When it’s cool outdoors, family members generally want the house warm. When it’s warm outside, air conditioners make living areas pleasant. How much weather affects your bill depends upon many factors, including your… Continue reading.

Hoodie Hoo!

Posted on Feb 01, 2021 in From the Editor

By Emily Schilling Some of my fondest memories have been of my silliest moments. I’m not one to laugh readily; my funny bone needs to be seriously tickled to bring on the chuckles. But I’m convinced that a good belly laugh is a powerful, restorative thing. It lifts your mood and the moods of those… Continue reading.

Vineyards at Valentine’s

Posted on Jan 21, 2021 in Features

Valentine’s Day has always meant wining and dining, dancing and romancing. But this year, the continuing cloud of COVID-19 has kept Cupid on the q.t. Leave it to Indiana’s enterprising wineries and vineyards to keep the crafted potables Hoosiers have come to love accessible and a part of this Feb. 14 or any special occasion,… Continue reading.

County Profile: Jackson County

Posted on Jan 21, 2021 in County

Jackson County was not named after the President Andrew Jackson — contrary to popular perception. Rather, it was named in honor of Gen. Andrew Jackson, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans at the end of the War of 1812. Obviously, the same person — but different circumstances. Jackson County was formed in 1816,… Continue reading.

Shred your identity theft fears

Posted on Jan 20, 2021 in Features

Now’s a good time to go through that ever-growing stack of old bank statements and shred them. The Federal Trade Commission warns that identity theft if the fastest growing crime in the United States, and those old documents — along with the tons of credit card offers that arrive in the mail regularly — could… Continue reading.

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