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Tips for circuit breakers

Posted on Jan 20, 2021 in Features, Heartland REMC

Everyone should know these electrical control safety panel tips. The panel is where electricity enters a building. It contains circuit breakers and has a main switch for shutting off all power in an emergency. Be prepared for when a breaker trips: Always keep a flashlight with fresh batteries stationed by your circuit breaker panel. Keep… Continue reading.

Embracing friluftsliv

Posted on Jan 01, 2021 in From the Editor

By Emily Schilling No, the above headline does not contain a typo. “Friluftsliv” (pronounced free-loofts-liv) is a word coined by Norwegian playwright and poet Henrik Ibsen in the 1850s which literally means “free air life.” Ibsen believed that spending time outdoors enjoying nature was key to maintaining one’s spiritual and physical well-being. Ibsen’s “communing with… Continue reading.

Never too young

Posted on Dec 23, 2020 in Profile

With the pandemic and social unrest, finding glimmers of hope in 2020 was not easy. But five young Hoosiers are doing their part to make this world a better place.   Each year since 2009, five community service-minded middle school students have been honored with Youth Power and Hope Awards from Indiana Electric Cooperatives and… Continue reading.

Road trip to the past

Posted on Dec 22, 2020 in Travel

If winter’s usual hibernation — now coupled with COVID-19 isolation — gives you a double whammy of cabin fever in the coming weeks, the antidote right up your alley might be antiques … and a road trip to Indiana’s Antique Alley. “There’s never a bad time to antique,” said Beth Leisure, who, with her husband,… Continue reading.

For the birds

Posted on Dec 22, 2020 in Features

By Richard G. Biever On the drizzly windy Sunday afternoon before Thanksgiving, two wildlife biologists with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources stood in mud and manure beside a cattle barn. They stared up at a silo and scratched their heads. Deep inside the 22-foot-tall cylinder were five Indiana-endangered barn owl chicks. The empty unused… Continue reading.

County Profile: LaGrange County

Posted on Dec 22, 2020 in County

LaGrange County was settled and founded in 1832 by mostly Yankee immigrants from New England. They so admired the Marquis de Lafayette, the French aristocrat and military officer who fought alongside the Americans in the American Revolutionary War, they named their county after his French estate outside of Paris.  But within a dozen years, LaGrange… Continue reading.

Save money in your home office

Posted on Dec 22, 2020 in Features, Heartland REMC

Make sure your computer and office equipment are energy-efficient.  Here are five ways to save energy in your home office: Using an ENERGY STAR-labeled computer can save 30%-65% energy than computers without this designation. Buy a laptop instead of a desktop computer. A laptop consumes considerably less energy. Computers and battery chargers continue to draw… Continue reading.

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