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Save money on water heating

Posted on Dec 22, 2020 in Features

Your family probably spends in the neighborhood of 18 percent of your utility dollars on water heating, according to U.S. Department of Energy estimates. Here are eight ways to lower your water heating bill: Replace old showerheads and faucets in every bathroom. Older models push out way more water than you need to take a… Continue reading.

Lady at dishwasher

Save money when washing the dishes

Posted on Dec 22, 2020 in Features, Heartland REMC

If you run your dishwasher when it’s loaded to capacity instead of washing a half-load at a time, you’ll use way less water and electricity. Here are five other energy-saving dishwasher tips: Stop rinsing. You’ve been doing it for years, but newer dishwashers do such a good job that you’re simply wasting water and time… Continue reading.

End the year on a high note

Posted on Dec 01, 2020 in From the Editor

By Emily Schilling In my Christmas column last year, I talked about the gift of warmth. This year, sharing the holiday spirit with those we love and with others less fortunate is more important than ever. To say it’s been a tough year is quite the understatement. This year has transformed our habits, accelerated our… Continue reading.

Splice of life

Posted on Nov 23, 2020 in Profile

Top 3 responsibilities in a day Splice internet fiber in the air or on the ground. Happy customers: Make sure they’re pleased before I leave the job site. Be available for any service interruptions or other problems that might arise during the day. What part of your job do you find to be most fulfilling? No… Continue reading.

Gift ideas for your furry family members

Posted on Nov 23, 2020 in Pets

On Christmas morning, will the family members peeking out from piles of wrapping paper and ribbons have nary a gift to unwrap? Make sure Fido and Fluffy get to join in the Christmas revelry with some special presents of their own. They’ll thank you later. Here are some items that will help ease your pet’s… Continue reading.

Click, click, click and Old St. Nick

Posted on Nov 23, 2020 in Travel

Santa Claus or his stand-ins are everywhere this time of year … on street corners, in parades and in malls. As beloved as he is, seeing Santa has become almost humdrum — as ubiquitous as he is. But seeing his tiny reindeer? That’s a whole other matter! Inquisitive kiddies always ask about the reindeer after… Continue reading.

Resist holiday overeating

Posted on Nov 23, 2020 in Features

Turkey, stuffing, cookies, candy canes, fruitcake — there are so many eating opportunities during the holiday season that it’s easy to imagine becoming a “blimp” by spring. To determine if you’re eating problematically, ask yourself a few questions: Do you know what you’re eating when you’re eating it, or are you just scarfing things down?… Continue reading.

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