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If you think this is a long month…

Posted on Feb 01, 2020 in From the Editor

By Emily Schilling For all those who complain that time passes by too quickly, good news! We have an extra day this month. It’s a leap year and there are 29 days in February this year! But here’s something I’ll bet you didn’t know: at least twice upon a time, February consisted of 30 days!… Continue reading.

Career Profile: Human Resources

Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in Profile

Top 3 responsibilities in a day: Employee relations. I work with our employees to develop solutions to make sure we’re all providing the best service to our consumers. Employee training and development. I help make sure our team has the resources they need to meet their goals. Special projects. There is always something different that I’m… Continue reading.

Maple syrup festivals

Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in Travel

In the hush across Indiana’s wintry hinterlands soon will come a tap, tap, tapping and a drip, drip, dripping as the days get longer and warmer. That’s the sound of spring a-coming. That’s the sound of maple syrup season.  As sap starts running up from the trunks of maple trees this time of year, Hoosiers… Continue reading.

On the Candyland Trail

Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in Features

This time of year, you gotta have heart … sugary hearts and hearts of chocolate-covered candy goodness. Miles and miles and miles of heart, if you take the old musical about love and baseball to heart. Fortunately, Hoosiers have miles and miles and miles of chocolate makers and candy shops where they can find just… Continue reading.

County Profile: Howard County

Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in County

By Richard G. Biever Though its seat is known as “City of Firsts,” Howard County was one of Indiana’s last counties. Howard and southern neighbor Tipton joined the state the same day, Jan. 15, 1844, as the 90th and 91st of the state’s 92 counties. Howard County’s wide rectangular shape filled in some of the… Continue reading.

Five keys to an energy-efficient home office

Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in Features

Your home office is a convenient place to work. Is it energy efficient, too?Computers, copiers, monitors, chargers and other office equipment can consume a lot of energy. Tune up your workspace with these five tips: Switch your computer off when you’re done for the day, so it doesn’t burn unused electricity overnight. In fact, any… Continue reading.

Five culprits to higher winter bills

Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in Features

February can be hard on energy bills. But cold winter weather is no match for a home that is prepared to fight it. Address these five common winter culprits throughout your house: Drafty doors and windows. An easy fix with a big payback is weather-stripping. Caulk or apply weather-stripping around all window and door seams,… Continue reading.

Seven ways to lower energy bills — for free

Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in Features

Clean your clothes dryer’s lint trap every time you load the machine. A lint-free trap allows for better air circulation, which could mean your clothes will dry quicker. When it’s sunny outside, throw open the curtains, even in the winter. Let the sun help warm your room and add enough light that you won’t need… Continue reading.

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