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Giving balloons instead of candy?

Posted on Jan 27, 2020 in Features, Heartland REMC

Take these four precautions if you’re giving Valentine’s Day balloons instead of candy this year.  Tether each balloon to a weight so it can’t float away. When you’re ready to dispose of the balloons, pop them so they can’t become airborne. Stay at least 10 feet away from power lines if you’re walking outdoors with… Continue reading.

Living large — and small

Posted on Jan 01, 2020 in From the Editor

By Emily Schilling Ever since my Barbie moved into her homemade cardboard dream house years ago, I’ve dreamt of having my own tiny house.  Wouldn’t it be cool to be a real-life Alice in Wonderland, living large in a diminutive storybook abode? Furnishings would be sparse and intentional but, of course, super cute, and clutter… Continue reading.

Crusaders for community

Posted on Dec 22, 2019 in Profile

Crusaders for a “tobacco-free generation”; for the homeless, hungry, handicapped and poor; for Jesus Christ; and for the community at large constituted a distinguished crop of students who are the latest to be selected for a Youth Power & Hope Award. Given by Indiana Electric Cooperatives and its magazine, Indiana Connection, since 2009, the Youth… Continue reading.

Skating away

Posted on Dec 22, 2019 in Travel

Who doesn’t love the opening of “A Charlie Brown’s Christmas”? Giant puffy snowflakes float from the sky; the Peanuts gang is out skating on a glistening frozen pond. But if you grew up in the lower three-quarters of Indiana, chances are you probably never experienced the exhilaration or beauty of skating all bundled up outdoors… Continue reading.

Saving The Day

Posted on Dec 20, 2019 in Features

Story and Photos by Richard G. Biever  It’s another typical but blustery day in the fair northern Indiana city of Elkhart.  Citizens go about their routines fabricating recreational vehicles and musical instruments. Traffic rolls along the I-80/90 corridor carrying commerce and travelers from near and far.  Meanwhile, just off the toll road in an unassuming… Continue reading.

County Profile: Martin County

Posted on Dec 19, 2019 in County

By Richard G. Biever Between a U.S. naval base occupying its northern third and a chunk of Hoosier National Forest occupying its southeastern quarter, there isn’t much of Martin County that’s Martin County. But what is left is filled with unique natural attractions and small towns that complement the base, which is known for developing… Continue reading.

Say ‘no’ to surges

Posted on Dec 19, 2019 in Features

Chances are good that you have an electronic item or two in your house that you didn’t have before the holidays. Are you doing all you can to protect that expensive equipment from damage during a power surge? A power surge in a home full of large home appliances and electronics isn’t unusual. According to… Continue reading.

Kids in the kitchen

Posted on Dec 19, 2019 in Features

Christmas cookie season is behind us, but don’t put away those baking sheets just yet: Making the sweet treats can be one of the most pleasant ways to pass a chilly, indoor afternoon with your children. Baking with kids teaches them kitchen skills that they’ll use for the rest of their lives. You also can… Continue reading.

Volunteering: A healthy New Year’s resolution

Posted on Dec 19, 2019 in Features

Most New Year’s resolutions benefit us. If we quit smoking, lose weight or exercise more, for example, we get healthier and happier. This year, add a resolution that benefits others: Volunteer in your community. For starters, your electric cooperative could use your help. Did you know that the board of directors at your electric utility… Continue reading.

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