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‘Co-op’ is in his blood
If ever someone was destined for a career in the electric cooperative industry, it would have to be Blake Kleaving. The Perry County native is a third-generation co-op guy who’s already had multiple jobs, including college internships, with multiple electric cooperative organizations large and small. “Every step of the way,” he said, “it’s all been… Continue reading.
Professional Progression: Keeping the meters running
Just out of high school, Scot Price was uncertain about the direction he wanted his life to take. He took a manufacturing job assembling electric meters in West Lafayette, knowing it wasn’t going to be long term. In 1990, he took a job on the other side of the meter — at Tipmont REMC —… Continue reading.
Never too young
With the pandemic and social unrest, finding glimmers of hope in 2020 was not easy. But five young Hoosiers are doing their part to make this world a better place. Each year since 2009, five community service-minded middle school students have been honored with Youth Power and Hope Awards from Indiana Electric Cooperatives and… Continue reading.
Splice of life
Top 3 responsibilities in a day Splice internet fiber in the air or on the ground. Happy customers: Make sure they’re pleased before I leave the job site. Be available for any service interruptions or other problems that might arise during the day. What part of your job do you find to be most fulfilling? No… Continue reading.
Out of the ring … onto the pavement
As an imposing 6-foot-6, 340-pound burly bad guy professional wrestler, Carmine Azzato wasn’t the type of guy you’d want to bump into on a dark street corner. Azzato wore demonic face makeup, akin to Gene Simmons of the heavy metal rock band KISS, and wrestled under stage names like “Demolition Blast,” “Gravedigger” and “Molokai the… Continue reading.
Career Profile: Motivated to Make a Difference
Top 3 responsibilities in a day Distribute Materials. Review the crew schedules and pick and load supplies based on the planned projects. Inventory Control. Track supplies used and advise on purchases to ensure the correct inventory is on-hand. Test Equipment. Execute and document equipment testing, including transformers, other equipment and personal protective gear for the line… Continue reading.
Career Profile: Ensuring Power Keeps Flowing
Why did you choose to accept a job at an electric cooperative? I grew up in this area and knew it was a great place to work. It’s a great family-like culture; everyone is here to help and that makes it such a nice work environment. What’s a typical day like? The most common day… Continue reading.
Career Profile: Restoring power to consumers
Top 3 responsibilities in a day: Update geographic information system (GIS) maps based on work and service orders and reports by field teams. Dispatch outages. Help create GIS maps, both static and online, for internal and external use. What kind of education do you have? I have a master’s degree in GIS and also attend specialized… Continue reading.
Trevin at the oven
By Holly Huffman Imagine your dream coming true at age 13. That’s exactly what happened to Trevin Alford, a middle school student from Washington, Indiana. Last fall, Alford “battered” the competition, winning season seven of the Food Network’s “Kids Baking Championship.” The program featured nine kids, ranging in age from 10-13, tackling various baking challenges…. Continue reading.
Career Profile: Providing quality service
Top 3 responsibilities in a day: Provide direction. I lead the superintendents and forepersons who oversee our tree crews. Purchase. I make sure our crews have the resources they need to run safely and efficiently like personal protective equipment, tools and equipment. Budgeting. I set and maintain a consistent budget for the required scope of work…. Continue reading.
Indiana’s top dog
While Statehouse politics were underway early this year, your Indiana Connection team hounded out a behind-the-scenes interview with a Holcomb administration insider that’s not just another shaggy-dog story. What follows is an edited portion of our hot-diggity conversation with mover and shaker (especially when he’s wet) Henry Holcomb, First Pooch of Indiana. INDIANA CONNECTION: Tell… Continue reading.
Career Profile: Human Resources
Top 3 responsibilities in a day: Employee relations. I work with our employees to develop solutions to make sure we’re all providing the best service to our consumers. Employee training and development. I help make sure our team has the resources they need to meet their goals. Special projects. There is always something different that I’m… Continue reading.