Coffee has never been my beverage of choice. Although I’ve always adored how it smells, its characteristic bitterness assaults my taste buds.
But since I’ve recently discovered caramel frappes — which I’ve decided are my personal “gateway” into the wonderful world of coffee — I’m starting to understand the appeal of an occasional cup of joe.
Being a late-blooming newbie to coffee drinking, I decided to do some research into where my coffee journey should take me next.
That’s when I discovered some coffee trends that have me seriously rethinking whether I should adopt this habit.
Have you heard: the world’s most expensive coffee — called kopi luwak — is made from animal feces? A catlike animal called a civet will eat coffee beans and partially digest them. When those beans go through (and ultimately out) the civet’s digestive system, the enzymes alter the structure of the beans’ protein, reducing some of the acid and thus making a smoother drink. It may taste better, but it sure doesn’t sound appetizing!
But that’s not all: there’s coffee made from the coffee beans that rhesus monkeys chew and then spit out. In this case, the saliva alters the enzymes. Meanwhile, a coffee made from beans that have been partially chewed by bats is favored by some coffee aficionados.
Coffee-like beverages can also be made from acorns, peanuts, mushrooms, dandelions, figs, and grains like barley and rye. Considering the aforementioned coffee varieties which animals have helped produce, perhaps an acorn “coffee” might be worth a try. Or maybe I should just play it safe and stick with my flavored frappes!
EMILY SCHILLING is editor of Indiana Connection