The end of January will be a time to remember. Our area experienced record-breaking cold.
The sub-zero temperatures forced us to remember that when it comes to your electric bill, weather matters.
As our member-consumers received their bills in February for electricity used, we are hearing, “why is my winter electric bill higher?” The frigid fact is you use more energy when the weather is cold.
Here is some insight into understanding why your winter electric use may differ from the rest of the year.
Seasonal weather & thermostat settings
When it’s much colder outside than inside, your heating system must work harder to maintain the temperature setting inside your home. Even if you use a gas heating system, electricity is used to power the fan and distribute the warm air throughout your home to keep you comfortable. Without changing your thermostat, the fan runs longer to heat your home. Using an electric space heater to snuggle up beside can also contribute to your higher energy bill in the winter.
Increased visitors
Having increased visitors in your home and a change in your normal daily routine can increase energy use. If you or your children are home due to inclement weather, this also can increase the amount of electricity your home uses than when you are away at work and your home is empty.
Thermal envelope of the home
If your home is not well insulated, or your windows or heating/cooling ducts are leaking, your use may be higher. Simple fixes, like caulking around windows and doors, sealing your heating/cooling ducts, or adding attic insulation can make a big difference in the energy efficiency of your home.
If you have questions regarding your electric bill, call the Kankakee Valley REMC office. We can provide you with additional resources to help you understand your electric bill and offer ideas to help you save on your energy use.