Common questions about SmartHub conversion

Posted on Dec 14 2023 in Marshall County REMC
Dave Lewallen
Dave Lewallen

Last month I announced our software conversion to NISC (National Information Solutions Cooperative). This month I would like to address some of the common questions/concerns we’ve had from our membership.

Will members have to pay for this conversion?

There are no additional costs for members associated with the new software. This will totally replace our existing software, including the customer service portal currently used for outage alerts, payments, electric use data, etc.

Will I have to do anything special once the conversion happens?

Members who have an account set up through the current customer service portal or through the app will need to register their account with the new billing system, SmartHub, once it is live after Jan. 29. You will receive additional communication about this.

We understand that having to go through this process is an inconvenience, but in the long run, it will prove to be beneficial by providing up-to-date information regarding member accounts and use, better security, and convenient ways to pay.

Will the conversion affect how I pay my bill?

Members will no longer be charged e-check or credit card fees for payments made at our office. Credit card payments other than those made in person at our office will now be $1 per transaction rather than $2 and $1 for e-check transactions.

Why did the REMC decide to make this change?

The decision to transition to a new software provider was determined after considerable evaluation by management and the board of directors. It was decided that now was the time to switch because the new software will result in substantial long-term cost savings. While you will not see this result in lower rates, it will help head off future rate increases.

Can you tell me more about NISC?

NISC is the leading software provider in our industry and is used by 34 of Indiana’s 38 electric cooperatives. By partnering with NISC, we can share resources and knowledge on the software with most of the electric cooperatives in the state, including during mutual aid storm events if needed.

Rest assured, we are working hard internally to make certain this transition is as easy as possible for you. We are excited about the improvements to come and encourage you to contact us with additional questions or concerns.