February 2024
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Mark your calendars: Director election voting opens soon!
Voting for the director election starts Monday, Feb. 24, at 7 a.m. EST and ends Monday, March 24, at 11:59 p.m. EST. You can cast your vote conveniently online, by mail-in ballot, or through SmartHub. Three directors will be elected, with results announced at the Annual Meeting in April. Learn more about the candidates on… Continue reading.
Youth programs deadlines near
Deadline approaching for the Cooperative Calendar of Student Art Contest Indiana Electric Cooperatives’ Cooperative Calendar of Student Art Contest is open to all K-12 students who want to create an illustration for the student art calendar. A first-place artist will be selected for each grade, and the winners will each receive a $200 prize. In… Continue reading.
Protect yourself from scammers
As technology changes, so do the tricks scammers use. What used to be in-person scams have become more sophisticated schemes targeting individuals through phone calls, emails, and text messages. One of the most common scams we’re seeing now is utility scams, where fraudsters pretend to be from your utility company and try to steal money… Continue reading.
Gudeman and Norris graduate from REAP
Kyler Gudeman and Andrew Norris, both five-year employees of the co-op, graduated last month from the Indiana Electric Cooperatives’ apprenticeship program, Rural Electric Apprenticeship Program (REAP). REAP is a four-year program that professionally trains apprentice lineworkers from across Indiana. Gudeman and Norris were both required to complete 612 hours of classroom-related study, 8,000 hours of on-the-job… Continue reading.
Important notice regarding billing delays
We are aware that some members have experienced delays in receiving their electric bills by mail. Please note that all bills are sent from out of state, and unfortunately, we are unable to control how long the postal service takes to deliver the mail. We have heard reports of delays within the postal system, which… Continue reading.
Years of service and safety
Kankakee Valley REMC is pleased to recognize its employees and directors for milestone years of safety and service. We greatly appreciate their dedication not only to their careers but also to providing exemplary service to the cooperative’s member-consumers.
Final call for youth program applications!
Camp Kilowatt June 4-7 This camp experience is available to students completing sixth grade in 2025. Apply at campkilowatt.org by March 3. Indiana Youth Tour June 15-22 This experience is available to students completing 11th grade in 2025. Apply at indianayouthtour.org by March 3. Operation Round Up scholarships Two $2,000 and four $1,000 scholarships are available… Continue reading.
A glance at the clock can help you control your energy costs
The time-of-use (TOU) rate makes using energy after 7 p.m. CT not only affordable, but also a smart way to save money. Starting with your February use (which will appear on your March bill), you will see the first of four steps as we transition to the TOU rate. By shifting your energy use to off-peak hours —… Continue reading.
Announcing the launch of PowerStream Fiber
Jan. 17 was a significant day for Decatur County REMC, as we officially announced the launch of our fiber business, PowerStream Fiber. This has been an incredible journey, one that wouldn’t have been possible without the support of our partner, SEI Communications, our amazing community, and our dedicated fiber team: Sam Ruf, Crystal Greathouse, and Matthew Raver…. Continue reading.
Summary of November’s board meeting
Chairman Steve AmRhein called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m., and Steve Nobbe recorded the minutes. All board members were present, along with CEO Brett Abplanalp and employee Matt Raver. Brian Scheidler moved to approve the meeting agenda. Suzanne Parmer seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved. Safety minute and cool momentAbplanalp presented a… Continue reading.
Know the factors impacting your bill
February brings some of the coldest weather of the year, and as our home heating systems work harder and longer to keep us warm, we typically see higher energy bills. There are a few key factors that affect electricity prices, as well as a few ways you can make a meaningful impact on home energy… Continue reading.