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Posted on Oct 01 2024 in Features, Newton County REMC

Indiana’s electric cooperatives have been around for almost 90 years. Read on to learn more about Hoosier co-ops. Can you find the bolded words in the puzzle?

► The first successful U.S. cooperative was organized in 1752 by Benjamin Franklin.

► Electric cooperatives began in the 1930s because it was not cost-effective for investor-owned utilities to string power lines into rural areas.

Indiana Electric Cooperatives, the statewide service association for electric cooperatives in Indiana, was incorporated in 1935 and was the first organization of its kind in the country.

► Electric cooperatives in Indiana serve 1.3 million Hoosier homes, farms, and businesses in 89 of the state’s 92 counties.

Boone REMC, headquartered in Lebanon, was the first electric co-op in Indiana.

► The co-ops are guided by the seven cooperative principles.

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