Harrison REMC has posted a list of individuals at http://www.harrisonremc.com/content/unclaimed-capital-creditswho had a capital credit check that was issued in July 2017 for the capital credit years of 1979–1981 and remains unclaimed. Each check was mailed to the last known address on record at the REMC.
A notice of where to obtain the list of unclaimed checks has been published in local newspapers to inform those who may have been issued a check. This list is available online at www.harrisonremc.com or can be sent to you by mail or email upon your request. Any checks that continue to remain unclaimed after 60 days are subject to reallocation in accordance with the bylaws of Harrison REMC.
If you are a person who is listed, know the address of a person listed, or are the surviving heir of anyone listed, please contact Harrison REMC at P.O. Box 517, Corydon, IN 47112 or call 812-738-4115 or 812-951-2323.