One of the most important parts of Heartland REMC’s Annual Meeting will be the election of directors to serve three-year terms on the board. This year, there are elections for five board districts – including Districts 3, 6, 32, 33, & 34.
As with other electric co-ops, Heartland REMC members have the right to choose board members who, in turn, are charged with making major decisions about the direction of the co-op.
Under the co-op’s bylaws, each director is responsible for appointing one member of the Election Committee from his/her respective district. The Election Committee met April 16, 2019, to review and approve the petitions of candidates seeking election to the board.
The Nominating Committee reviewed and verified each candidate’s petition. Nine petitions were approved. The candidates are Alan Amick for District 3, Ted Martz and Dennis Kammerer Sr. for District 6, Robert Hippensteel and Jarrod McKee for District 32, James Keffaber and Jason Dawes for District 33, and Max Highley and Laura Cole for District 34.
Members registered at the annual meeting will vote for the director candidates of their choice. Directors elected at the annual meeting will guide the cooperative for the next three years.
All Heartland REMC members are encouraged to exercise their right to vote by attending the June 22 annual meeting.
2019 Heartland REMC election committee
Mr. Chris Gibson (District 3)
Mr. Ryan Carroll (District 4)
Mr. Ed Thiele (District 6)
Mr. Skip Smalling (District 7)
Mr. Dennis Wiles (District 8)
Mr. Todd Williams (District 10)
Mr. Tim Engle (District 11)
Ms. Linda Conrad (District 31)
Mr. Joe Vogel (District 32)
Mr. Derrick Wilson (District 33)
Mr. Joe Stephan (District 34)
Ms. Amanda Boggs (District 35)
Mr. Steve Cunningham (District 36)
How are members chosen for the election committee?
Each director is responsible to appoint one member of the Election Committee from their respective district.