Election process for directors

Posted on Sep 14 2024 in Warren County REMC

The Warren County REMC (WCREMC) Annual Meeting is held to update the membership on the activities at the cooperative and, most importantly, to elect a board of directors to govern your cooperative.

The cooperative is governed by eight directors who must reside in the district they represent. The cooperative’s service area is divided into three districts as follows:

District 1 — Benton and White counties

District 2 — Warren and Tippecanoe counties

District 3 — Vermillion County

The 2025 Annual Meeting will be held on April 2 at the Beef House restaurant in Covington. At this meeting three directors will be elected to serve three-year terms on the board — one director from District 1, and two directors from District 2.

Members in good standing can be nominated to run for the board in two ways. First, the WCREMC Nominating Committee nominates at least one member to be a candidate for each open position. Members may contact the office 765-762-6114 and ask for the contact information for the Nominating Committee.

The second method is to petition to be on the ballot. A member may provide the cooperative in writing their desire to be on the ballot, along with 25 or more signatures from members in the district up for election. The petition and signatures must be received not less than 75 days prior to the Annual Meeting, which would be by Jan. 17, 2025.

For more information about running for the board of directors, call our office at 765-762-6114.