Our latest cooperative employee to highlight is Ronnie Rubio, an underground installer with Broadway Broadband Powered by Miami-Cass REMC. He joined the team in October 2021 and is responsible for the installation of underground fiber from the utility pole to a member’s home in preparation for connection inside the home.
Rubio is a 2012 graduate of Logansport High School. He was born in Chicago, but the family moved to Logansport when he was in fifth grade. Rubio married his wife, Abigail, in 2019, and the couple are raising their seven children — three boys (ages 17, 11 and 7) and four girls (ages 9, 6, 2 and 1).
In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family and says that some of his happiest times are when they are all together sitting around eating popcorn and watching a movie together. Rubio also enjoys drawing, but said not many people know about his artistic side. He also said that he is pretty good at building gaming PCs.
While Rubio was growing up, he enjoyed the show Cops and always wanted to be a police officer when he grew up. After graduating from high school, he got a job at the Cass County Jail where he worked for six and half years as the officer in charge. After leaving the jail and law enforcement, he worked at Waste Management for a couple of years before accepting a position with the REMC.
One challenge Rubio has had to overcome is creating harmony and balance while blending a family. On his bucket list is traveling to Hawaii. Something he would like to do, but has never tried, is sky diving.
When asked what he enjoys most about working at Broadway Broadband, Rubio said he enjoys his coworkers. The most challenging part of his job is overcoming obstacles, like crossing creeks and working around fences and trees. He defines success as being able to leave a job site looking as if they had never been there.
A lesson he learned while working at the jail is to be cautious when doing his job and to always be aware of his surroundings. He has carried this lesson into his career with the REMC, and this would be his advice to anyone new to his position.
We at Miami-Cass are proud to have Rubio as part of the REMC family. He is a dedicated employee, and we are fortunate to have him on our team.