Empowering youth: Junior Board of Directors impactful community service

Posted on May 30 2024 in Kankakee Valley REMC

On May 1, the KV REMC Junior Board of Directors convened for their final meeting with purposeful community service work. These young leaders orchestrated a one-day service project, demonstrating their dedication to giving back. These projects were guided by the student directors, as they selected the LaPorte County Animal Shelter and the LaPorte County Fairgrounds to be the recipients of their efforts.

At the animal shelter, the students cleaned kennels, refreshed bedding and toys, washed dishes, and cleaned windows. Meanwhile, at the fairgrounds, they painted 375 feet of fence at the entrance.

In addition to their hands-on labor, the students made a significant financial impact, collectively donating $2,115 to various organizations, including the LaPorte County Animal Shelter, Opportunity Enterprises, SC Weekend Food Program, Community Services of Starke County, and the Multi-Agency Academic Cooperative Foundation. The students earned these funds through their individual community service work. KV REMC established a predetermined value for each hour of community service performed, which was tallied up at the program’s conclusion to determine the final donation amount.

“The community service aspect of this program is not only a great way for students to show their leadership and work together as a team, but also to give back,” stated Amanda Steeb, director of marketing and communications.

This year’s Junior Board program participants will be recognized with a $1,000 scholarship at the upcoming annual membership meeting on Sept. 26.

Applications are currently being accepted for the 2024–2025 Junior Board of Directors program. Interested individuals can access the application on kvremc.com. The application deadline is Aug. 22.

KV Junior Board