Energy-saving tips for renters

Posted on Jun 26 2024 in Boone REMC

If you’re a renter, you may not be able to undertake significant projects like adding insulation to improve the efficiency of your residence. However, you can still practice these tips to reduce your energy consumption and your monthly bills.

  • Switch to LED lightbulbs: LEDs use up to 75% less energy than conventional incandescent bulbs while providing the same vivid lighting you’re used to. LEDs also last up to 25,000 hours or more. You probably won’t have to change another bulb until long after your current lease runs out.
  • Smart plugging: Electronics are another big energy user, and many of these devices continue to draw power even when no one is using them. This is known as standby or phantom power. Stop this energy waste by plugging electronics into advanced power strips or smart plugs. These handy, low-cost devices automatically cut power to unused electronics. With some models, you can connect with them through a smartphone app and control your electronics remotely.
  • Water-efficient fixtures: Water heating costs can also drain your energy budget. Water-efficient showerheads and faucet aerators can reduce hot water use while still providing a comfortable flow. It’s a low-cost upgrade and a simple project you can do yourself. When purchasing products, look for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) WaterSense® label.
  • Purchase ENERGY STAR® Products: Backed by the U.S. EPA, ENERGY STAR products are independently tested to use less energy than standard models. Look for the ENERGY STAR label when shopping for devices like TVs and computers.

Take a look around your home. Are there other changes you can make to reduce energy use? Check with your property owner or landlord about additional energy-efficiency upgrades that can lower your energy bills and increase the value of their properties.