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Seasonal Savings: A few steps can help you save energy – and money – during the holidays

Posted on Oct 29, 2018 in A Co-op Perspective, Fulton County REMC, Kankakee Valley REMC, LaGrange County REMC, Marshall County REMC, Miami-Cass REMC, Noble REMC, Steuben County REMC

The brisk chilly air and color-changing leaves let you know that the holidays are just around the corner! As you plan to partake in annual holiday decorating, you can take some steps to help save money on the décor’s accompanying energy use. Some steps to consider are:  Use LED lights for energy savings.  If you… Continue reading.


Posted on Oct 26, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Nov. 4: Don’t forget to turn your clocks back one hour, as Daylight Savings Time ends. Nov. 22–23: Orange County REMC office closes for Thanksgiving as our employees spend time with their families. Dec. 14: Deadline to submit applications for energy-efficient rebates (heat pumps, geothermal systems and water heaters.) Visit our website at for… Continue reading.

Operation Round Up awards grants

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Orange County REMC was pleased to award $300 to the Springs Valley High School Chess Club to purchase additional chess sets and timing clocks. Another $300 grant was awarded to the Lady Hawks Golf Team to purchase umbrellas, golf towels and other equipment. If you have an organization or civic group that could benefit from… Continue reading.

Orange County Fiber project update:

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 in Orange County REMC

Orange County Fiber is pleased to announce that installation of fiber-optic internet in our territory is progressing as planned. Phase 1 will be completed on Kelso Road toward Spring Mill, and by the beginning of November, contractors will have hung an estimated 21 miles of fiber. Want to learn more? Visit our website,, and… Continue reading.

We’re grateful to you, our members

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 in Noble REMC

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.” In the spirit of William Arthur Ward’s words, I’d like to express my gratitude for your membership in our electric cooperative. Because of your connection to Noble REMC, we are able to make our community a better place. During this… Continue reading.

REMC helps local company make energy-efficient changes

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 in Noble REMC

QSI Automation isn’t a stranger to Noble REMC’s POWER MOVES® program. Founded in 1988, the custom design and machining business has taken advantage of the energy-efficiency rebate program multiple times in the past, including recently receiving a $1,300 check to purchase a variable-frequency drive compressor with a no-loss condensate drain at its Albion location. But… Continue reading.

4-H logo

Get involved in your local 4-H program!

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 in Noble REMC

The first 200 youth who enroll in 4-H by Feb. 28, 2019, and whose families are Noble REMC electric customers, will have their 4-H program fee reimbursed by the REMC. Upon enrolling and paying the $15 program fee, a credit voucher can be obtained by eligible participants by contacting the Purdue Extension office. Bring in… Continue reading.

Farmers: This seminar is for you

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 in Noble REMC

Did you know farmers on Noble REMC lines can receive money back on such simple investments as the purchase of variable-frequency drives and LED lightbulbs? They can also earn rebates when they show a reduction in overall power consumption. If you’re a farmer and want to know more, we invite you to an upcoming local… Continue reading.

Meet your meter

Posted on Oct 26, 2018 in Noble REMC

Noble REMC implemented advanced metering more than 15 years ago, but myths continue to circulate about its technology and use. Noble REMC Meter Supervisor Dan Cochard is here to dispel these ideas. “People read a lot on the internet. It’s not all true,” Cochard said. “There are a lot of falsehoods.” Among these misconceptions are… Continue reading.

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