Hoosier Energy believes in being safe while at work and home. That is why we have compiled some ways to protect your property when you are not at home or if you’re traveling this holiday season.
Ask a friend to stop by your home while you are away.
Having someone visually inspect your property while you are away is a strong way to keep your home protected. This inspection doesn’t have to include checking every door and window. A brief look to be sure everything is in order is sufficient.
A smart request is to have this person place your trash out for the week and put trash cans away the next day. This helps keep up appearances as if you are home.
Keep social media posts at bay while you are away.
If you post how great your vacation is while you are away, you can alert potential thieves that your home is a good target. Remove this risk and hold off on posting those photos and videos until you get home.
Take time to stop your mail/newspaper service.
Those looking for homes to break into look for simple clues such as newspapers on the driveway, packages on the porch or a mailbox full of mail. Holding these services or deliveries while you are gone helps avoid giving clues that no one is home.
Consider using a simple wi-fi camera system.
If you have wireless internet at your home, consider using a wireless camera system to monitor movement in your home. These devices can be placed inside a home in an area that overlooks common areas. The device will send a live video feed through an app on your phone. Try to find a system that provides an alert, such as a text message, if movement is detected.
Keep the snow at bay.
If someone wants to break into your home, they could travel down a street a day or two after snowfall and see what house has not been shoveled and has no tire tracks or footsteps in the snow. That makes your house a target. Be prepared to have snow removed.